When we read those verses a few times and let them sink in they give us great confidence. The next time we look up at the stars, we can have complete assurance that God put them there and they do exactly what He tells them to so we see them every night.😊 He's powerful!
It lets me know we're not in this thing we call life on our own and we can relax because God is in our lives and He's so powerful He can hold the planets in their orbit. When we really think about that we know that just as He holds the stars in place, He holds our lives in place too. He is so much bigger than our problems and we can turn to Him in faith for His help any time.
Jesus said not to worry because He knew His Father holds us safely in the palm of His mighty hand. He knew that nothing is impossible to God, so we would know we can give Him our cares.
Jesus constantly showed us His Father by the things He said and the miracles He performed. He was showing us how powerful He is, how compassionate and how 'right there in the middle' He is. Jesus hung on the cross in the middle of two sinners for our sake so He could be in the middle of our lives now too.
So whatever life may bring, as we look up at the stars, let His peace enter in because God is holding not only the universe, but our lives too. He's in the middle of our lives, we're safe in His hands and He loves us with an everlasting love. Thank You Lord.
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