Sunday, 25 September 2022


Malachi 3:6 

For I am the Lord, and I change not:....

Yesterday we went to Melbourne which is a pretty little town in Derbyshire and visited their parish church which is so old it was apparently built in 1120 during the reign of King Henry I !

As we were walking round the church and I touched the ancient stone walls I had such a sense of God being outside of time, that He's the same God the people had been worshipping there in the 12th Century, who walked with Adam in the Garden of Eden, that we worship now. He is the God who doesn't change and He loved the people then just like He loves us now.

They were reading the same scriptures and comforted and inspired by them then, just as we are now. God is still good and His mercy still endures forever.  

When we think of how we're here for such a short space of time in the big scheme of things, it's wonderful to me how God says we are so very precious to Him and that we actually matter to Him to such an extent He sent Jesus to die for every one of us so we could be with Him. 

There was an old tombstone inside which said the man who had died "has exchanged time for eternity".

We all seem caught up in watching the clock, the years flying by so fast, but one day we shall all exchange time for eternity and what a wonderful, glorious thought that if Jesus is our Saviour we shall spend it with our loving Father God who will never change, and we'll see Jesus face to face.

Glory to His Name.

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