Isaiah 30:15 This is what the sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength.
This verse is special to me as it's the one the Lord used to bring me back to Him when I had sadly backslidden in my twenties. I was in such a mess and fell on my knees and called out to God for help. I opened my bible and this is the verse I read.
I did what it said, and returned to the Lord, asked Him to forgive me for all my sin and began to rest once again in Him and put my confidence in Him as I had lost all my own confidence. Gradually, over a period of quite a while He began to put me back together again, building me back up where I was crumbled and broken, one brick at a time.
I'm so thankful for His forgiveness, for His gift of His righteousness and because He is a merciful God who restores and heals us from the inside out.
The lovely thing is, this verse is for us today and every day, not just if we've backslidden or crumbled. The word 'saved' there means to be set free, to be safe, avenged, defended, delivered and helped. It means to get victory, and to be rescued. We're often not aware of it, but the Lord is doing those things for all of us every day, whether we realise it or not.
He's not just our eternal Saviour, He's our daily Saviour, our moment by moment Saviour and I thank God for that.
So whatever is going on in our lives at the minute we know we can turn to the Lord over and over again. We can rest peacefully in Him and let Him help us, and allow Him to do all those other things I've listed above.
Let's put all our confidence in Him and have a sense of His peace as we allow Him to minister His love and grace to us so we can regain our strength and joy whenever we need to.😊 And let's give Jesus all the glory for He is our wonderful Saviour. Amen.
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