Friday, 21 May 2021


Acts 4:21-22 .....For everyone was praising God for this miraculous sign - the healing of a man who had been lame for more than 40 years.

This man had been crippled, lame for over forty years and yet Jesus turned it round, through His disciples' obedience, in the space of moments!

Sometimes it's good to stop and ask ourselves if there is anything in our lives that has affected our walk through life? Have there been attitudes, maybe prejudices, works spoken over us in the past that have hindered or crippled our progress? Cripple just means to disable, weaken or damage. I think we've all probably experienced things like that where people have tried to 'put us down', or make us feel inferior in some way.

Many people go through life carrying things which hinder them from entering into all God has for them. But the good news is Jesus is still our Healer, the Restorer of our souls, our Burden Lifter, Bondage Breaker, our Yoke Destroyer. He is whatever we need him to be.

It's so good to know we can come to Him at any time to tell Him what troubles us, what hinders us and ask Him to minister His great grace to us as only He can. We can come and surrender our thoughts about things and ask Him for His thoughts, His perspective, His way to move forward.

We can ask Him for the grace to let go of the need to control everything and ask Him to take control all over again. We can ask Him to make us whole again just like the lame man, even if we've suffered for more than forty years! It makes no difference whether it's physical or mental our Healer is the same yesterday, today and forever and there is power in the name of Jesus.

Acts 4:16 Through faith in the name of Jesus this man was healed.....  That's for you and me today. Thank You Lord.

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