Wednesday, 5 May 2021


John 14:27 I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid. (NLT)

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (NKJV)

We probably all have a peaceful place where we like to go even if it means locking ourselves in the bathroom if we have demanding family!  Maybe it's a garden, or a park bench, or the rest room at work. We just need a few moments sometimes, even at work, when we need to just draw aside for a minute and get quiet inside because there is stress or turmoil outside. But what if you don't have a physical place to go, what then?

God has a peaceful place for us to come to when daily life gets a bit on top of us and you know where it is?  It's right inside each one of us down in our spirit man and if we'll learn to stop, no matter where we are, and just listen we'll hear the Holy Spirit speak His words of peace and calm and reassurance to us reminding us not to let fear in, not to allow the trouble to get to us. 

Very often He'll do that by bringing up a verse and reminding us Jesus has left His gift of supernatural peace with us and it's not something we have to search for it's already in us, in our born again spirit. By faith we just reach down into our spirit, to Him, and say 'thank you for your peace right now Lord, I believe I receive it, I take it by faith and I see it permeating my troubled soul and bringing Your calm right now. Thank you so much.'

We all know peace isn't the removal of all the winds blowing us about but it's tapping into God Himself in the midst of the storms knowing He has the answers and in His own good time He will bring our upside down world the right way up again when we trust Him.

Peace and trust walk hand in hand through life. 

So see yourself just now walking through today and all your tomorrows holding on to the nail pierced hand of Jesus, trusting Him to hold you tight and secure and as you walk see Him leaning in to your ear and hear Him whispering His words of peace and reassurance. That makes me smile, how about you? I hope you feel better already because that is what He is doing right now. 😊


(You probably know this verse already but if you've been wondering what verse to memorise this week then this one is a great place to start.  I've written two versions of the same verse so you can choose whichever you find easier. I find writing it on a bit of paper and pinning it up somewhere where I can see it all the time helps. I've put mine by my bed so it's the last thing I see before I go to sleep.😊)


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