Wednesday, 26 May 2021


1 Kings 17: "4 And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there." v.9 "Arise, go to Zarephath, ... and dwell there. See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you."

Elijah had just told evil King Ahab there would be no rain again until he said so and then the Lord  told him to go and hide by the Brook Cherith. After a while the brook dried up and the Lord then told him to go and stay with a widow, single parent mum. We're not told how old she was but she was on the point of starvation and only had enough food for one last meal for herself and her son.

God used the most unlikely things to help the man of God. We probably wouldn't have chosen ravens to feed someone but God can command even birds to help His man. If God knows you need help don't despise the help He sends. It may not come from a known or likely source! Be open to what God wants to do for you and how He wants to do it! 

What of the widow lady?  God knew she needed help as well as Elijah but the interesting  thing is He used the widow lady to help someone else first and by doing that she then opened herself up to God's blessing. You see obedience brings God's blessing. His instructions may not make any sense in the natural but she believed God's prophet when he said her jars of flour and oil would not run dry if she did as God said. Her obedience took her into the realm of God's supernatural provision but she had to take a step of faith in order to get there.

Deuteronomy 28:8 The Lord will command the blessing on you in your storehouses and in all to which you set your hand, ....

God has commanded blessings for each one of us. Can I encourage us all today to believe God knows our situations and has a plan to help us but it will require our obedience and our trust. It may mean He wants us to help someone else first or it may mean we have to put 'our' thoughts of how God should do it on one side but if we'll do as He tells us we shall be blessed and we'll also be a blessing to others.

God has commanded His blessing on you. It's not an if or a maybe it is a command of God! I think that is so exciting, don't you? Thank You Lord!

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