Saturday, 22 May 2021


Proverbs 12:25 Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.

We all know we can go to work and worry, make the dinner and worry, we can clean our teeth and worry.....we can do anything and worry at the same time! But scripture here tells us that worry weighs us down.  We've all felt the weight of it but scripture is full of commands telling us to drop the Worry Bag and let it go!

When we worry we're revealing that we've forgotten to trust God to sort things out. That's a bit of an ouch but it's true.

Jesus said 'Don't worry about tomorrow'.  So how do we counteract the worries that try to crowd in on us? Well our verse gives us a clue where it talks about encouraging words that cheer us up.  

Read something encouraging or listen to an encouraging talk or sermon. Remind yourself of something encouraging someone has said to you; that text they sent to you or letter or card.  If that doesn't lift your spirits, sometimes it helps to just give yourself a good talking to out loud in the form of encouraging words!! Words like....

"I'm fearfully and wonderfully made by God. He loves me very much. I'm God's special treasure. I've got God's favour with me wherever I go. He blesses me going out and blesses me coming in.  I'm above and not beneath. I'm more than a conqueror through Christ. I can do all things through Christ. God has promised to provide all my needs and He's promised to keep me safe so I'm giving all my worries to God and He's taking care of them."

King David encouraged himself in the Lord too. In other words he grabbed himself by the ear and started telling himself  all the amazing things God had done for him in the past.

We can do that too.  We can remind ourselves of how much God loves us, how He's preparing us a home in heaven and we'll spend eternity with Him forever. We can remind ourselves of His goodness to us in the past, all the blessings He's poured on us, how He's brought us through every trial and difficulty and strengthened us.

Sometimes we just need to give ourselves a good encouraging, cheer me up talk.😊 And while we're at it why not ring someone else up and encourage them too. There's nothing like hearing a friendly voice on the other end of the phone and encouraging each other in the Lord. 

So whoever is reading this please be encouraged. God has got your back and He's working on all your worries so you don't have to, so you have His official permission to Cheer Up.

You're a great person with great potential and God's got great things for you to do.  He has placed His greatness inside you and you have unique gifts and talents that will bring blessing to others. Be encouraged today and remember you're a great person and God is pleased with you.  Woohoo!

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