Monday, 3 May 2021


2 Peter 1:2 May God give you more and more grace and peace as you grow in your knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord.

A lot of the Epistles begin like that talking about Jesus' followers being given grace and peace. God's desire for each one of us is to give us more and more of those things. 

We very often gloss over these sort of verses as just the introduction to an Epistle but they hold a key to our walk with God

According to how much we want grace and peace to increase in our lives will be how much we're growing in our knowledge of God. I don't mean knowing about Him but knowing Him personally, like you know a member of your family.  And how do we do that? By hearing God's words of faith preached by Holy Spirit inspired preachers, and by reading God's Word for ourselves and meditating on it and spending time with God.

Biblical meditation isn't some mystical thing but it's just asking the Holy Spirit to help us mull God's word over and over in our minds, muttering it under your breath throughout the day if you find that helps, but constantly going back to a verse or verses and thinking about them until the Holy Spirit sheds some new light on them for us. Then we learn something more about God and Jesus and know them better and automatically we'll find God's grace and peace will be multiplied in our lives. It's a win win situation but we do have our part to play.

I was chatting to someone the other day and they suddenly said "You know Jackie, God is love, He doesn't just have love, He is love.  They'd suddenly got a fresh revelation of that fact and had to tell me about it. I was really blessed by that because until recently they hadn't seen God that way.  And how did they come by that revelation? They'd just been reading and reading the Word about God's great love for us all and it bubbled up out of them!

Can I encourage us all to spend some time in the Word and see what happens?  Maybe choose a particular subject like God's blessings on the believer (the righteous) and find all the verses on God's blessing.  When you do, share it with someone, let it bubble up and we'll all be blessed! I'd love to know how you get on.😊


P.S. If you've been reading my blog for a while and there was something that spoke to you and you want to go back to it but can't find it just type in the Search box roughly what it was about and hopefully it will pop up.😊

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