Psalm 31:19 How great is the goodness you have stored up for those who fear you. You lavish it on those who come to you for protection, blessing them before the watching world.
Yesterday we were reminded that God is all good, there is no badness in Him at all. In other words He is full of goodness and our verse today says He has stored up this goodness for us who deeply reverence Him. It says He wants to lavish His goodness on us when we trust Him and He'll do it for us where everyone will see it.
Now our part is to believe what He says! We should have such a high expectation when we go out each day, regardless of what the economy says, or the doom and gloomers tell us on the media. All their doom and gloom may be correct for the ungodly but GOD says He will lavish His goodness on those who trust Him, whose eyes are on Him, who believe what He says and that's you and me! It's good to remember that we are not of this world, but we are citizens of heaven here and now. The goodness God has for us, is in the land of the living, that is in this life.
Psalm 27:13 I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Can I remind us that we are to believe we'll see the goodness of the Lord in our lives in 2021 or whenever you read this. You see that is the secret - we have to believe it, expect it, anticipate it.
What are we expecting this week and in the coming days? Are we expecting healing, expecting to prosper and have more than enough? Are we expecting God to bring good out of bad situations? What are we expecting? What are we, what are you believing for? Maybe you're muttering under your breath,"Well you've only got to turn on the news or know what's going on in my life and it doesn't look like that to me!" If you are then can I encourage you to change your focus and hear what GOD says. We have to make a choice everyday. Are we going to believe what we see, or are we going to believe God's Word which is for us personally?
Will you get your bible out, find these verses and underline them? Will you join with me today and together believe that God has all His goodness stored up for us in a huge warehouse and all He's waiting on is for us to believe that He wants to lavish it on us if we'll only trust Him and believe Him for it.
God hasn't stored up His goodness for Himself. He has stored it up for you and me! Thank You Lord!
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