Saturday, 29 May 2021


1 Corinthians 13:7 ....(Love) hopes all things....

This is such a well known verse but we tend to skip over the bit about hope. God is telling us here that not only does love bear all things, believe all things but it hopes all things.

Bible hope is nothing like the world's hope. They have an uncertainty in their hope, they're not sure if the thing they are hoping for will happen or not. But Bible hope is a sure expectation of good so our hope is a sure expectation of good.  Is that how you look at life today?  God wants us to look at life that way.

It doesn't say love hopes when things look ok or they look possibly like they could change or happen. No, it says love hopes all things. That means when it looks impossible, when everything is upside down, when pain is bad, when doctor's reports are not hopeful, when money doesn't seem to be enough, when we're offended and hurt or whatever your unhappy circumstance might be.

God says, not me, not someone who you may respect but God, He tells us love hopes all things.  

Can I encourage us all today to get our hopes up in line with God's word. Find a promise of God, find a  "Surely" statement in scripture and stand on it in hope and certain expectation of good.

Here is one to start us off :Psalm 91:3 Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. When we really believe that we wont go around fearful, we wont feel like we have to hide away because God never gave us a spirit of fear, He gave us a 'surely'.

God's 'surely' is certain, no doubts about it. We can expect good things from God in the coming days. So next time you're tempted to doubt that, get out your 'surelys'!  All of the promises of God are 'surelys', they are yes and Amen in Jesus. Hallelujah! 

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