2 Kings 4:...Elisha asked. "Tell me what do you have in the house?" "Nothing at all, except a flask of olive oil," she replied.
This is a very well known story of the widow lady who had two sons who were going to be taken from her and sold as slaves in order to pay off her debt. She was so distraught she went to the prophet Elisha for help who asks a very unusual question "What have you got?" and she seems to think that what she has got (a flask of olive oil) is of no account and hardly worth mentioning. And yet that jar of oil is all she needs to give her an escape from her problem.
Sometimes we hold the answer to our problems and we don't realise because we maybe haven't asked for wisdom in the first place or haven't recognised that God can bless what we think of as of no account or not much use to anyone.
God can use and multiply whatever we have!
Elisha only gave her the solution one step at a time. Get the whole family involved, send the boys out to collect jars, then start pouring out what you have and then get the next instruction. Can you just imagine the excitement of this lady and her two sons as she starts to pour her little flask of oil into the first big jar and it fills right up to the top? And then the next one and the next one, and on and on it went till they had no more jars left and suddenly the flask of oil stopped flowing. Those boys saw faith in action. So off she trots to the prophet and he tells her she can now sell it all, pay off her debt and what is left over she can live on! Maybe she lived another 40 years, who knows, but whatever was left was enough to live on and she would never be in debt again! That was one happy lady!! God turned her life around with a little flask of oil!
Can I encourage us today to ask the Lord to help us recognise what He has already given us, however insignificant it may seem and ask for wisdom to know how to use it.
The key to this seems to be her obedience to do what she was told and not ask questions!
So whatever troubles us today we can go to the Holy Spirit and ask Him "what have I got that you can use?" and whatever He tells us to do 'Just do it' and wait for the next instruction.😊