Proverbs 10:22 The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it.
'The Blessing' means to prosper in every area of our lives - health, finance, relationships -everything. It means to have more than enough.
God wants to remind us that He has already blessed us (Eph 1:3) and because we are hidden in His Son Jesus we are more blessed than we shall ever know. But God does want us to know because He wants us to go on and be a blessing to others.
I've heard some Christian people say "I've got enough for my family, I don't agree with all this prosperity teaching."
Sadly, what they haven't understood is that the more we increase financially, the more of a blessing we can be to others. When we only have enough for ourselves, how can we spread the gospel, who is to pay for it, how can we help others in desperate need?
Maybe God wants us to go before Him and ask Him to show us what our thinking should be like on money issues. He tells us to give and it will be given to us. So often we want to hold on to what we have 'in case I need it'.
It should be the other way around, "Lord bless me financially so much so that I can help pay for the gospel to be preached all over the world, so I can help those suffering financially."
But the financial side of the blessing is only a part of it, there is so much more to it than that.
God told Abraham He was blessing him not only with a son but also in every other way (see Gen 25:35 for how blessed he became). The thing is Abraham had to believe it FIRST then the promise did unfold.
It may not feel like, or look like, you're blessed in every area of your life but God wants us to walk by faith (like Abraham) and start calling things, which are not, as though they were. (Romans 4:17).
If we've been complaining or murmuring let's turn it around today. Let's 'call' things differently.....
"I am so blessed by God because He has called me, blessed me, increased me in every area of my life. The blessing of the Lord is on the head of the righteous - that's me - so I 'm blessed today. No matter what day of the week it is the Lord is blessing me.
My health is improving every day, my income is increasing in ways I don't understand, I'm blessed going out and blessed coming in.
His goodness and mercy are chasing me down and overtaking me today. Whatever I lack in my life He is providing for me. I have a no lack God, a no limit God.
If I don't have it right now, that's ok because it's on it's way. My God is a 'more than enough' God.
I'm walking in the footsteps of Abraham, I'm walking by faith. I'm calling things that are not visible yet as though they were. I am blessed and I'm going out to be a blessing to someone else today.
Thank You Lord for blessing me.
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