Tuesday, 1 September 2020


Ephesians 5:1  Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.

It's so easy to imitate or 'copy' what other people are saying in our current situation.   People love to repeat bad news and pass it on, then everyone feels worse than they did before.  I have to stop and ask myself would God repeat this story, this news, and tell everyone about it? And the answer I get is in Genesis 1.

God looked out over the earth and it was all darkness.  He couldn't see light anywhere.  The Holy Spirit was standing by, hovering, waiting to see what God would do about it.  Did God say "Oh my, it's so dark out there, this is terrible, so depressing!"?  No! (that's what most of us would have done).

The first thing He did was speak by faith what was inside of Himself. 
 God is Light, so He spoke... "LIGHT BE" and there was light because the Holy Spirit took His words and manifested them.

We have God inside of us. We have the Light of God inside of us, and the Holy Spirit is hovering over us waiting to see what comes out of our mouths.

We have a mandate from God, we have the legal authority and command from God Himself to imitate Him, to copy Him.  He wants us to declare by faith what He has already put in us, His Good News; that He is bringing only goodness out of  seeming tragedies. Jesus told us we would have tribulation in this world so why are we surprised when we get it?  But He went on to say "Cheer up!  I have overcome the world!"   Am I believing that, are you?

God tells us not to limit Him by our unbelief but start speaking Light, to speak His victory into what we hear and see.

God nothing is too hard for You.  God nothing is impossible for You.   Thank You Lord You are bringing Your goodness, victory and Light into this darkness.  We pray for angelic beings to intervene on our behalf to turn things around for good for Your glory and Your praise. Amen.

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