Friday, 4 September 2020


 Luke 17:21 'See there!' For indeedthe kingdom of God is within you (NKJV)

It occurred to me the other day that we are rather like Dr. Who's Tardis! 

If we're born again, then we are much bigger on the inside than we are on the outside. Jesus said the Kingdom of God is inside us. Not only that but Almighty God Himself lives inside of us in the person of His Holy Spirit, so we have this huge capacity, and God potential on the inside to 'do exploits for our God', to make a difference in our sphere of influence, to be history makers, as the song says.  

Take the Tardis analogy one stage further and you could say if we let God set our co-ordinates we can go anywhere and do anything He sets our course for.  How mind stretching is that! It might surprise us where He wants to take us!

Jesus went around telling everybody that the Kingdom of God is at hand. In other words, it's here right now, the healing, provision, demon evicting power was present. Now if we have that same Kingdom of God inside of us, (and He says we do) then that same power is present wherever we go too.

The more we become GOD IS INSIDE ME minded then the more we shall see His Kingdom manifest. We are Kingdom Carriers!  

You may think 'I can't change history', but you can change history for one person who you release God's Kingdom to today. God can change the whole course of their life through your obeying the prompting of His Holy Spirit.

Declaration for Today: God is inside me. The Kingdom of God is inside me. I am a    Kingdom Carrier. 

Continuing this tomorrow...

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