Thursday, 17 September 2020


Ephesians 1:2 May God himself, the heavenly Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, release grace over you and impart total well-being into your lives.  (The Passion Translation)

I've been enjoying reading Ephesians 1 in The Passion and The Message Translations as they reveal insights we don't always see.

Ephesians is great for telling us who we are and what we have been given 'in Christ'. You could go verse by verse and be totally thrilled with what Paul tells us we now have.

Today though, it is this wonderful thought that God is imparting into each one of us, who are 'in Christ', His total well-being because that is what the meaning of peace is.  He is releasing His grace, His favour over us. Gosh, I just want to be a sponge and absorb it all, don't you?😊

I was reminded today that the Hebrew meaning of peace is much more than tranquility. 

God wants us to have TOTAL WELL-BEING.  Have you ever wondered if God really wants you well, or wondered if God really wants you to prosper in your relationships, to prosper in your finances? If ever you've been confused about that then this verse reveals God's heart.

Remember Jesus said, "My peace I leave with you...."  That was Jesus saying I'm leaving My total well-being with you; nothing missing, nothing broken, in other words wholeness. 

So what do we do when we look at our own circumstances, health or finances and don't see that picture?

We go back to His word and declare it over our lives, over and over again until we get an inner picture of what that looks like for ourselves.    We walk by faith not by sight and faith is not blind it does 'see' things but it sees them in the spirit, not with our physical eyes.  We have to spend time with the Lord and see what He sees as He describes us in His word.  Then we have to believe it, take it, receive it by faith and confess it or declare it.  

It may take time but if we don't let go of the Word, God will manifest it.

Thank You Lord you have blessed me with Your peace, Your total well-being for my life. With Your help I see it, I believe it, I take it and I receive it personally just like my salvation. Thank You Lord.

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