Monday, 21 September 2020


Isaiah 32:17 And this righteousness will bring peace. Yes it will bring quietness and confidence forever.

Romans 5:17 ...much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One Jesus Christ.

Today's blog is continuing on from last week's Ruffled Feathers thoughts.

God not only offers us His abundant grace to be reconciled to Him through the Lord Jesus but He then goes on to give us His wonderful gift of righteousness (or right standing with Him). 

But as with any gift, we have to reach out and take them. We have to receive them and use them because He says these gifts will cause us to reign in this life through Jesus Christ.

So how will we reign in life? - Through God's grace and righteousness

Isaiah says righteousness brings peace, quietness and assurance forever. Not just for a few minutes but forever!  The Amplified Bible says it bring peace internally and externally. 

Righteousness is very practical and it has a work to do. The NKJV says The work of righteousness will be peace (total well-being) and the effect of righteousness, quietness (feeling settled, restful and still) and assurance forever.

So where does peace come from? - out of righteousness or right standing with God through Jesus. It will make us feel safe, settled and rested, confident in our God forever.

Righteousness is wonderful!

So the next time chaos seems to have been let loose around us we can quietly draw aside for a moment and say

 "Lord, thank you for your gifts of grace and righteousness. I believe I take them afresh right now and let them bring me Your peace, Your tranquillity in this situation.  I let them bring me confident trust in You that You will protect me and keep me safe and provide for me whatever we're going to need.  I just rest in You Lord to turn it around for our good. I thank You and praise You for it in advance. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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