Wednesday, 30 September 2020


Matthew 13:16  But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.

Guess what - Jesus says we have been given eyes to see and ears to hear so we have what it takes.  Jesus is talking about spiritual eyes and spiritual ears here.  So what does He want us to see and hear today?

Romans 10:17 Faith comes by hearing. First of all God wants us to hear faith.  What are we hearing every day?  It's wonderful to put ourselves in the way of hearing a faith filled message, on the internet, on CD, MP3 - there are so many ways to hear faith today, we are a blessed generation. 

Psalm 34:10  ...but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. 

God also wants us to see.  

The Word of God is the key to 'seeing' things.  God wants us to see His promises in His word, so we can lay hold of them personally. When we read the word we 'see' God Himself.  

God says He rewards those who diligently seek Him.  Heb 11:6  God wants us to see and seek Him so He can reward us and we can see what we already have been given and what He sees in our future.  He wants us to turn our eyes on Him and His kingdom.  Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these 'things' shall be 'added' to us.  We're so tempted to turn our eyes on 'our' kingdom, 'our' lack, our disease, etc. and then we fall in a hole.

But , I hear you say, I am lacking! That's because our eyes are on the physical things we can see with our physical eyes.  

God calls us to use our spiritual eyes to get alone with Him and spend some time to ask Him to help us see the new job, the provision for the bills paid, for the healing of our pain and disease, for a thriving church, for healed relationships, for whatever our 'lack' is, and start to 'see' it provided for.  R Mark 11:22-24 NKJV Jesus describes the process.  Then when we 'see' it, thank Him for it in advance and say 

'I see it with my spiritual eyes, I believe I have that, I take it by faith.  It's mine because of your many promises to provide for me what I lack. I thank you for it Lord.

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