Saturday, 5 September 2020


 2 Cor. 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Yesterday was all about God's kingdom being on the inside of us and our potential to bring that Kingdom to others.

Our verse today talks about our new identity in that Kingdom. That word 'creature' apparently means a totally new kind of being, no longer just human but a new 'God being' the earth had never seen before, which would make sense when we know we are filled with  the Holy Spirit Himself, partakers of the Divine Nature.

The Apostle Paul is telling us we are not normal, or ordinary any more! That's not so we can boast of anything in ourselves. It is all of God and His work in us.

So often we forget who we are now in Christ and see ourselves as 'only human', as just the same as the man in the street, but according to this we're not.  Sometimes we're tempted to say 'we're only human, after all', when we're wanting an excuse. But Scripture tells us the opposite and we've forgotten who we are. 

We were only human but now we are wall to wall Holy Spirit on the inside. We have been given Jesus Name, Christ One, we have a new identity in Christ.  Christ means Anointed One and His Anointing, so we are an Anointed One carrying His anointing on the inside of us.  

The weird thing is the devil knows better than we do sometimes just who we are and our potential, which is why he does everything in his power to distract us and make us forget, or even worse, he stops us from finding out!  

Let's ask God to reveal to us who we really are now 'in Christ'.

Lord help us to remember we are Your Christ Ones, Your ambassadors, we carry your anointing, with all the authority of Your kingdom inside us and You are backing us up.  Amen.

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