Wednesday, 30 September 2020


Matthew 13:16  But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.

Guess what - Jesus says we have been given eyes to see and ears to hear so we have what it takes.  Jesus is talking about spiritual eyes and spiritual ears here.  So what does He want us to see and hear today?

Romans 10:17 Faith comes by hearing. First of all God wants us to hear faith.  What are we hearing every day?  It's wonderful to put ourselves in the way of hearing a faith filled message, on the internet, on CD, MP3 - there are so many ways to hear faith today, we are a blessed generation. 

Psalm 34:10  ...but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. 

God also wants us to see.  

The Word of God is the key to 'seeing' things.  God wants us to see His promises in His word, so we can lay hold of them personally. When we read the word we 'see' God Himself.  

God says He rewards those who diligently seek Him.  Heb 11:6  God wants us to see and seek Him so He can reward us and we can see what we already have been given and what He sees in our future.  He wants us to turn our eyes on Him and His kingdom.  Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these 'things' shall be 'added' to us.  We're so tempted to turn our eyes on 'our' kingdom, 'our' lack, our disease, etc. and then we fall in a hole.

But , I hear you say, I am lacking! That's because our eyes are on the physical things we can see with our physical eyes.  

God calls us to use our spiritual eyes to get alone with Him and spend some time to ask Him to help us see the new job, the provision for the bills paid, for the healing of our pain and disease, for a thriving church, for healed relationships, for whatever our 'lack' is, and start to 'see' it provided for.  R Mark 11:22-24 NKJV Jesus describes the process.  Then when we 'see' it, thank Him for it in advance and say 

'I see it with my spiritual eyes, I believe I have that, I take it by faith.  It's mine because of your many promises to provide for me what I lack. I thank you for it Lord.

Monday, 28 September 2020


Psalm 84:12 O Lord of hosts, Blessed is the man who trusts in You! 
Proverbs 10:22 The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it.

'The Blessing' means to prosper in every area of our lives - health, finance, relationships -everything. It means to have more than enough.

God wants to remind us that He has already blessed us (Eph 1:3) and because we are hidden in His Son Jesus we are more blessed than we shall ever know.  But God does want us to know because He wants us to go on and be a blessing to others.  

I've heard some Christian people say "I've got enough for my family, I don't agree with all this prosperity teaching."  
Sadly, what they haven't understood is that the more we increase financially, the more of a blessing we can be to others.  When we only have enough for ourselves, how can we spread the gospel, who is to pay for it, how can we help others in desperate need? 
Maybe God wants us to go before Him and ask Him to show us what our thinking should be like on money issues. He tells us to give and it will be given to us. So often we want to hold on to what we have 'in case I need it'.
 It should be the other way around, "Lord bless me financially so much so that I can help pay for the gospel to be preached all over the world, so I can help those suffering financially." 

But the financial side of the blessing is only a part of it, there is so much more to it than that.

God told Abraham He was blessing him not only with a son but also in every other way (see Gen 25:35 for how blessed he became).  The thing is Abraham had to believe it FIRST then the promise did unfold. 

It may not feel like, or look like, you're blessed in every area of your life but God wants us to walk by faith (like Abraham) and start calling things, which are not, as though they were. (Romans 4:17). 

If we've been complaining or murmuring let's turn it around today. Let's 'call' things differently.....

"I am so blessed by God because He has called me, blessed me, increased me in every area of my life. The blessing of the Lord is on the head of the righteous - that's me - so I 'm blessed today. No matter what day of the week it is the Lord is blessing me. 
My health is improving every day, my income is increasing in  ways I don't understand, I'm blessed going out and blessed coming in.
His goodness and mercy are chasing me down and overtaking me today.  Whatever I lack in my life He is providing for me.  I have a no lack God, a no limit God. 
If I don't have it right now, that's ok because it's on it's way.  My God is a 'more than enough' God.
I'm walking in the footsteps of Abraham, I'm walking by faith. I'm calling things that are not visible yet as though they were. I am blessed and I'm going out to be a blessing to someone else today. 
Thank You Lord for blessing me.

Saturday, 26 September 2020


 Psalm 31:14-15 But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord; I say, "You are my God."

My times are in Your hand,.....

What does 'my times' mean? The concordance says it means 'my now and my future'.

Can I encourage you today to know your 'now', whatever your 'now' looks like, is in the hand of your God, the great and mighty creator of the universe, the God who knows how many hairs are on your head, the God who knows when a sparrow falls, when you sit down and when you get up again. 

He's the God who loved us so much He bled for us, died for us and rose again victorious for us. That is Who is holding us.

Our 'now', our situation, our sorrows, our joys, our ambitions, our moment by moment need for Him is in His hand.

Not only that but my times means 'my future'. Sometimes we're tempted to look to the future and  be anxious.  But when we say with the Psalmist, 'You are my God,  I trust in You O Lord,' we're reminding ourselves and every devil from hell who may be trying to upset us, that not only is our 'now' moment in God's hand but also our entire future here on this earth and also into eternity where there will be no more time. 

God has this thing covered so we can relax!  He wants us to look to Him with great expectation of good both now and in the future because He is our Good God.  Even when we face trials and troubles He has already promised He will bring us out the other side as more than conquerors through Jesus Christ.

Thank You Lord, You are never taken by surprise, never outwitted, never overwhelmed but You are holding us close, bringing us everything we need for today, and for our future. Glory to Your Wonderful Name.

(PS: If you get time this weekend, you'll enjoy reading the rest of this Psalm 31 and 1 Peter Chapter 1, The New Living Translation or similar )

Have a blessed weekend 'in His hand'.😊 

Thursday, 24 September 2020


Judges 20:22 And the people....encouraged themselves and again formed the battle line at the place where they had put themselves in array on the first day.

We all need encouragement and appreciate it so much when we receive it. It seems to strengthen us when we feel weary and tempted to waver in our resolve to do something.  All it takes is a phone call, a kind word, an uplifting text, a card through the letter box so you can see it all day.

The wonderful thing about encouragement is that we can all do it.  We don't have to be clever or especially gifted or have spent 10 hours in prayer beforehand!

But what do we do when we feel discouraged and no-one seems to notice or everyone else is feeling down as well?  There is an answer in the above verse. We have to encourage ourselves.  King David had to learn to do it and so do we.

1 Sam 30:6 And David was greatly distressed...But David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.

God has told us over and over again in scripture 'don't be discouraged, don't allow it.'

One way I find that helps is to be grateful for what is going well, for the health I have got, for the food on the table because there is no rationing. We're not being bombed from the air, there are no enemy soldiers parading our streets.  The restrictions we do have are minimal in the big picture.

Our God is still on the throne, He still loves us unconditionally, He is still protecting us, providing for us and affectionately caring for us.  We're forgiven, and on our way to our mansion in heaven! Feel free to add to the list, I don't have enough space!

And last but not least

Psalm 27:13 I would have lost heart unless I believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Are you still in the land of the living today?  Then be encouraged I believe we shall see the goodness of the Lord in each of our lives.


Tuesday, 22 September 2020


Isaiah 37:11(b)...They (the Kings of Assyria) have completely destroyed everyone who stood in their way!  Why should you be any different?

Exodus 8:23 I will make a difference between My people and your people...

Why should we be any different to anybody else? Because God has said "I will make a difference.."

We don't need to make it complicated.We need to keep it simple.

We belong to God.  We are God's property.  God is protecting us because we are His. God is providing for us whatever we need because we're His and we're looking to Him.

In Isaiah 37 we read the story of King Hezekiah being majorly threatened by a foreign king who had annihilated all other kingdoms and brought them to nothing. He brought total defeat wherever he went.  It was this king who now threatened King Hezekiah and God's people. The foreign king even had the cheek to say "what makes you think you're different to everybody else? So Hezekiah sought the Lord!

Well keep reading because we find God answers King Hezekiah's prayers in a spectacular way and by next day 185,000 enemy soldiers lay dead on the ground and the foreign king went home to be murdered by his own sons.  It doesn't pay to defy the Living God! GOD HAD MADE THE DIFFERENCE!!

God makes a difference for us because we're trusting in the blood of Jesus shed for us at the cross. Our eyes are on Him.

His offer of protection and salvation though is open to every single person. All they have to do is believe Jesus is the only way to  God, that He died to take away their sin and bring them back to God. God will make the difference for anyone who comes to Him.

Thank you Lord we are not vulnerable to enemy attacks when our eyes are on You and we're trusting You for our protection and provision today.

Monday, 21 September 2020


Isaiah 32:17 And this righteousness will bring peace. Yes it will bring quietness and confidence forever.

Romans 5:17 ...much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One Jesus Christ.

Today's blog is continuing on from last week's Ruffled Feathers thoughts.

God not only offers us His abundant grace to be reconciled to Him through the Lord Jesus but He then goes on to give us His wonderful gift of righteousness (or right standing with Him). 

But as with any gift, we have to reach out and take them. We have to receive them and use them because He says these gifts will cause us to reign in this life through Jesus Christ.

So how will we reign in life? - Through God's grace and righteousness

Isaiah says righteousness brings peace, quietness and assurance forever. Not just for a few minutes but forever!  The Amplified Bible says it bring peace internally and externally. 

Righteousness is very practical and it has a work to do. The NKJV says The work of righteousness will be peace (total well-being) and the effect of righteousness, quietness (feeling settled, restful and still) and assurance forever.

So where does peace come from? - out of righteousness or right standing with God through Jesus. It will make us feel safe, settled and rested, confident in our God forever.

Righteousness is wonderful!

So the next time chaos seems to have been let loose around us we can quietly draw aside for a moment and say

 "Lord, thank you for your gifts of grace and righteousness. I believe I take them afresh right now and let them bring me Your peace, Your tranquillity in this situation.  I let them bring me confident trust in You that You will protect me and keep me safe and provide for me whatever we're going to need.  I just rest in You Lord to turn it around for our good. I thank You and praise You for it in advance. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Friday, 18 September 2020


Isaiah 30:15 For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: "In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength."

I love this text not least because it brought me back to the Lord after backsliding many years ago.  

I find it has fresh application though at any time, as we all need to return to the Lord on those occasions when our feathers have been ruffled.  When someone has said something, or not said something, when the news has upset us yet again. We all have different things which  unsettle and upset us from time to time. What upsets me might not upset you and vice versa.😊

When that happens the Lord is saying to return, 'turn back' to Him and rest in Him, for in doing that we shall be saved or 'safe'.

Then He talks about our attitude - In quietness and confidence.  Quietness here means to have a calmness and tranquillity, to be in a peaceful state because we have confident trust in Him. He's saying in effect, take a deep breath, relax, let it go whatever it was and just be calm because I've got your back.  Let Me speak to you in the quietness. Let My peace flow over you, because He goes on to say if you do that it will be your strength.

That is our position - a position of strength.  Strength here means victory, mastery and power.  The enemy throws stuff at us constantly, trying to knock us off balance and get us rattled or our feathers ruffled.  But God knows all about his tactics and He has given us His solution in this verse. 

Turn back to God with confidence in Him. Take the victory and be master over the enemy by just being calm and relaxing knowing God is covering you and keeping you safe from all harm. 

Hallelujah - what a wonderful Saviour we have.

Lord we just turn our eyes back to you and rest in You, we let Your peace flow over us and through us, washing away all the aggravation, the hurts, the anxieties because we know You have the whole of our lives in Your hands. We praise and thank You. We love You Lord. Amen.

Thursday, 17 September 2020


Ephesians 1:2 May God himself, the heavenly Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, release grace over you and impart total well-being into your lives.  (The Passion Translation)

I've been enjoying reading Ephesians 1 in The Passion and The Message Translations as they reveal insights we don't always see.

Ephesians is great for telling us who we are and what we have been given 'in Christ'. You could go verse by verse and be totally thrilled with what Paul tells us we now have.

Today though, it is this wonderful thought that God is imparting into each one of us, who are 'in Christ', His total well-being because that is what the meaning of peace is.  He is releasing His grace, His favour over us. Gosh, I just want to be a sponge and absorb it all, don't you?😊

I was reminded today that the Hebrew meaning of peace is much more than tranquility. 

God wants us to have TOTAL WELL-BEING.  Have you ever wondered if God really wants you well, or wondered if God really wants you to prosper in your relationships, to prosper in your finances? If ever you've been confused about that then this verse reveals God's heart.

Remember Jesus said, "My peace I leave with you...."  That was Jesus saying I'm leaving My total well-being with you; nothing missing, nothing broken, in other words wholeness. 

So what do we do when we look at our own circumstances, health or finances and don't see that picture?

We go back to His word and declare it over our lives, over and over again until we get an inner picture of what that looks like for ourselves.    We walk by faith not by sight and faith is not blind it does 'see' things but it sees them in the spirit, not with our physical eyes.  We have to spend time with the Lord and see what He sees as He describes us in His word.  Then we have to believe it, take it, receive it by faith and confess it or declare it.  

It may take time but if we don't let go of the Word, God will manifest it.

Thank You Lord you have blessed me with Your peace, Your total well-being for my life. With Your help I see it, I believe it, I take it and I receive it personally just like my salvation. Thank You Lord.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020


Luke 17:15 One of them (the lepers) when he saw that he was healed, came back to Jesus, shouting "Praise God!" He fell to the ground at Jesus' feet, thanking Him for what he had done.

These lepers were at a distance, they were social distancing! So they cried out to Jesus "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us (v.13).

How many times have we cried out to Jesus for mercy, we've 'shouted out' to Him, but when we've received that mercy we've not 'shouted out' our thanks publicly. Yes, we've thanked Him quietly in our prayer time but maybe we should be shouting out our thanks and praise so other people know what God has done for us.

This man came back to Jesus shouting. He thanked Him 'over and over again' the Amplified Bible says, for what Jesus had done. Everybody saw, and everybody knew about it! He made a spectacle of himself and didn't care.  His gratefulness overcame his instilled reserve.  This was a man who'd had to socially distance himself for so long and suddenly we see him running to people, running to Jesus. His days of social distancing were over! He would no longer be in pain, no longer ashamed.

He was no longer distanced from his God, from Jesus, from others. He'd been cleansed, delivered from a hopeless life. 

Maybe if we shout out what God has done for us, as we praise and thank God over and over again, we shall encourage others to call out to God for His mercy so they too can be delivered and give a shout of praise and thanksgiving.

Lord help us to shout out our praise and thanks to You today so others can know how amazing you have been to us.

Monday, 14 September 2020


Isaiah 53:5  But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.

I heard a testimony where a man was dying in hospital so a minister was called in to pray for him. This minister was full of faith for him to be healed and he shared many healing scriptures with him but the man's faith just wasn't as great as the minister's and he couldn't believe to be healed.  So the minister prayed for wisdom and the Lord told him to say the following...

 "Can you believe you'll be a little bit better tomorrow?"

Man: Oh yes, I've got enough faith for that, I can believe I can be a little bit better tomorrow."

So the minister returned the next day and asked how he was and the man said "You know I am a little bit better today."

Each day the minister returned and they went through the same process. "Can you believe you'll be a little bit better tomorrow. "Yes I can believe for that".  

Each day that went by he got better and better until eventually the man was fully restored and healed and discharged from the hospital!

That is a true story and I thought how encouraging it is.  The Lord is so kind to us He meets us where our faith is at.  We don't need huge faith, we just need to use the little itty bitty faith we have got and declare it.

Each one of us is possibly needing healing for something, whether it's for a disease, a sickness, pain, allergies or maybe for a situation.  Can I encourage us all to go to the Lord today and say something like the man did.

"Thank you Lord Your Word says Jesus has provided healing for me and by faith I believe I shall be a little bit better tomorrow."

Each day we can say "I'm getting better and better, better and better." 

God wants you well.😊

Monday, 7 September 2020


 In January I heard a prophetic word that God was giving each one of us a DOOR OR OPPORTUNITY THIS YEAR and that it would be a year of  increase beyond anything we have received before.  Then Covid hit the world, the UK and our own personal worlds but that does not alter God's word! Our part in all this is to believe what God says, because He says we get what we believe for. And God knew Covid was coming!

Apparently God's church worldwide has seen more souls saved, and more finance coming into it to spread the gospel than ever before, despite the buildings being empty, but we may not have heard about it.  

God knew Covid was coming so he prepared His people with that Door of Opportunity to believe for and then last week in my readings He told us He's given us a DOOR OF HOPE.

Hosea 2:15 I will give... the Valley of Achor as a door of hope.

Heb10:23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope. ..He who promised is faithful.

Even if we're in trouble of our own making He has declared it will be a door of hope to us.

God never leaves us without hope. Without hope you can't have faith, which means you can't please God or even get saved.

He will always give us a Door of Hope.  God's door is not a revolving door - it leads somewhere! When we see a door we have two choices. We either go through or we turn away and say 'it's hopeless'.and choose another way. 

Help us Lord not to become so despairing of this world that we turn away from the Door of Hope and the Door of Opportunity you offer us. Help us to recognise them when we see them and go through into all You have for us.  We're holding fast to our confession of Hope because You are a Faithful God. Praise you Lord. Thank You for the Doors of Opportunity and Hope you're giving us even this year. 

Sunday, 6 September 2020


1 Corinthians 2:16 For, "Who can know the Lord's thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?" But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ.

We have the mind of Christ. We may not feel like it and it may not look like it but that is what God says, so it must be true. We have to take it by faith.

I don't know about you but I sometimes get too caught up with the details and miss the bigger picture. I focus on what's wrong and miss what's right. That is so small minded! Can anyone identify?

So by God's grace I really need to grow up and learn to overlook the trivial and recognise what's really important; to be thankful for the loads of things which are really good and positive and to just ignore the one or two things which are not.  To stop focusing on what I can't do and focus on what I can do. 


Rejoice in what's good, stop complaining about what's bad. Just let it go! It if really matters, let God sort it out.

Sometimes we think we know what the problem is when really the problem is ourselves!  When we recognise that then we can humbly ask God to change us, not the other people or circumstance.  Not that we're always in the wrong, just to realise when we are!😊

SEE THE GOOD!  We have the mind of Christ, the Anointed One and His Anointing so we can SEE THE GOOD TODAY.

Prayer: Lord help us today to stop and examine our thoughts and see if they are what You Lord Jesus are thinking and if they're not, please help us to change them to come in line with Your thoughts.


2 Corinthians 6:16 ...I will live in them and walk among them. I will be their God and they will be my people.

Before the foundation of the world God knew you by your name.  God tells us our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, that He lives in us, He walks among us.  We have Almighty God in us.  Wherever we go He goes. Where we walk He walks.

He wants to be LIFE to us. He wants to be everything to us.

2 Peter 1:3 as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness....

His own Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Power, has been given to us and by Him He has given us everything - all things - that have anything to do with our life here on earth and our God-walk with the Almighty. That includes washing the dishes or saying our prayers! It doesn't say He will give us, it says He has given, past tense.

Sometimes it's good to just sit down and be still for a while and consider that verse.  As we look down at our own hands and feet to say aloud:

God knows my name. God lives inside me. The Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Power is IN ME!  His anointing is in me. He has given to me everything I'll need in my life.  God walks in me and He has given me everything I need for my God walk.

Saturday, 5 September 2020


 2 Cor. 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Yesterday was all about God's kingdom being on the inside of us and our potential to bring that Kingdom to others.

Our verse today talks about our new identity in that Kingdom. That word 'creature' apparently means a totally new kind of being, no longer just human but a new 'God being' the earth had never seen before, which would make sense when we know we are filled with  the Holy Spirit Himself, partakers of the Divine Nature.

The Apostle Paul is telling us we are not normal, or ordinary any more! That's not so we can boast of anything in ourselves. It is all of God and His work in us.

So often we forget who we are now in Christ and see ourselves as 'only human', as just the same as the man in the street, but according to this we're not.  Sometimes we're tempted to say 'we're only human, after all', when we're wanting an excuse. But Scripture tells us the opposite and we've forgotten who we are. 

We were only human but now we are wall to wall Holy Spirit on the inside. We have been given Jesus Name, Christ One, we have a new identity in Christ.  Christ means Anointed One and His Anointing, so we are an Anointed One carrying His anointing on the inside of us.  

The weird thing is the devil knows better than we do sometimes just who we are and our potential, which is why he does everything in his power to distract us and make us forget, or even worse, he stops us from finding out!  

Let's ask God to reveal to us who we really are now 'in Christ'.

Lord help us to remember we are Your Christ Ones, Your ambassadors, we carry your anointing, with all the authority of Your kingdom inside us and You are backing us up.  Amen.

Friday, 4 September 2020


 Luke 17:21 'See there!' For indeedthe kingdom of God is within you (NKJV)

It occurred to me the other day that we are rather like Dr. Who's Tardis! 

If we're born again, then we are much bigger on the inside than we are on the outside. Jesus said the Kingdom of God is inside us. Not only that but Almighty God Himself lives inside of us in the person of His Holy Spirit, so we have this huge capacity, and God potential on the inside to 'do exploits for our God', to make a difference in our sphere of influence, to be history makers, as the song says.  

Take the Tardis analogy one stage further and you could say if we let God set our co-ordinates we can go anywhere and do anything He sets our course for.  How mind stretching is that! It might surprise us where He wants to take us!

Jesus went around telling everybody that the Kingdom of God is at hand. In other words, it's here right now, the healing, provision, demon evicting power was present. Now if we have that same Kingdom of God inside of us, (and He says we do) then that same power is present wherever we go too.

The more we become GOD IS INSIDE ME minded then the more we shall see His Kingdom manifest. We are Kingdom Carriers!  

You may think 'I can't change history', but you can change history for one person who you release God's Kingdom to today. God can change the whole course of their life through your obeying the prompting of His Holy Spirit.

Declaration for Today: God is inside me. The Kingdom of God is inside me. I am a    Kingdom Carrier. 

Continuing this tomorrow...

Wednesday, 2 September 2020


1 John 4:10  In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us..... 

l John 4:16 And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.

It's one thing to know God loves you, but it's another thing to believe and receive that love.  

I was sitting reading this chapter in John when the sun suddenly came out full power and bathed me in heat and light. It made me turn towards it, close my eyes and just bask in it's warmth and glow, it was so lovely it made me relax.

The thought came to me that that is what happens to us with God's love. 

As we turn our face to Him, as we think about and receive His love by faith, we will bask in His warmth and light. I have this picture of His love flowing like liquid over us and into us.

His love flows into us with healing. Just stop a minute and 'see' with your eyes of faith His love flowing with His healing into every cell of your body.

His love flows into us with joy and peace, now stop and receive it.

His love flows into us with forgiveness, now receive it.

His love also flows into us with provision for our finances and for giving out again to others. Now see it and receive it with eyes of faith.

The list could go on!  What do you need today? Is it strength, power to resist the enemy, grace to love the people who irritate you?  God knows and He wants to meet that need whatever it is.

Receive His love today and all that flows from it.

Tuesday, 1 September 2020


Ephesians 5:1  Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.

It's so easy to imitate or 'copy' what other people are saying in our current situation.   People love to repeat bad news and pass it on, then everyone feels worse than they did before.  I have to stop and ask myself would God repeat this story, this news, and tell everyone about it? And the answer I get is in Genesis 1.

God looked out over the earth and it was all darkness.  He couldn't see light anywhere.  The Holy Spirit was standing by, hovering, waiting to see what God would do about it.  Did God say "Oh my, it's so dark out there, this is terrible, so depressing!"?  No! (that's what most of us would have done).

The first thing He did was speak by faith what was inside of Himself. 
 God is Light, so He spoke... "LIGHT BE" and there was light because the Holy Spirit took His words and manifested them.

We have God inside of us. We have the Light of God inside of us, and the Holy Spirit is hovering over us waiting to see what comes out of our mouths.

We have a mandate from God, we have the legal authority and command from God Himself to imitate Him, to copy Him.  He wants us to declare by faith what He has already put in us, His Good News; that He is bringing only goodness out of  seeming tragedies. Jesus told us we would have tribulation in this world so why are we surprised when we get it?  But He went on to say "Cheer up!  I have overcome the world!"   Am I believing that, are you?

God tells us not to limit Him by our unbelief but start speaking Light, to speak His victory into what we hear and see.

God nothing is too hard for You.  God nothing is impossible for You.   Thank You Lord You are bringing Your goodness, victory and Light into this darkness.  We pray for angelic beings to intervene on our behalf to turn things around for good for Your glory and Your praise. Amen.