Matthew 22:39 NIV And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
Things happen in our everyday lives and we act or react sometimes according to how we feel at the time. We know we have the Holy Spirit’s help to deal with things, but there are times when we don’t always act the way we’re supposed to!
So what do we do about it? If we’ve said or done something that wasn’t helpful or even harmful, then we know we can ask the Lord to forgive us.(1 John 1:9) But what about forgiving ourselves? I know people who are still beating themselves up for something they did years ago and they haven’t been able to move forward because of it.
Recently I was feeling disgruntled and couldn’t figure out what was the matter when the Lord showed me I wasn’t forgiving myself for something I’d already asked and received His forgiveness for. God is not condemning us, and He doesn’t want us condemning ourselves or beating ourselves up all the time either, because if we do, we won’t like ourselves and we’ll have no peace inside!
Jesus said, ‘Love others as you love yourself’. Now if we’re not loving ourselves, the implication is that we won’t be able to love others as we should.😊Jesus wasn’t saying to have an egotistical love, but because we’re loved and accepted by God even with our failings, so we can love and accept ourselves where we’re at right now. We need to remember we are still a work in progress and He’s changing us on the inside all the time.😊
He wants us to be encouraged by how far we’ve come, to focus on the truth that He has made us righteous. We can focus on Jesus’ perfection not on our imperfections.
So I hope that helps somebody today, to know God wants you to forgive yourself and be at peace on the inside, because God has already forgiven you - to love yourself so you can love others. He wants you to get your joy back and rejoice in His forgiveness and love for you today. Amen.😊
Photo by Ekaterina Shakharova on Unsplash