Thursday 17 October 2024


Isaiah 42:13 KJ21 The Lord shall go forth as a mighty man; He shall stir up jealousy like a man of war. He shall cry, yea, roar; He shall prevail against His enemies.

I don’t know if you’ve ever been close to a lion when it roared but I was right in front of the cage of one when it suddenly lifted its head up and roared and roared. It was so overwhelming it vibrated right down inside my whole being and shook me!

At a prayer meeting this week the Lord spoke to one of our leaders and He said “Can you hear My roar?”  Wow. I thought what happens when God roars? So I investigated.😊

Apparently it reminds us of God’s awesome might and power just like my lion did to me! God’s roar can be a war cry that shakes the enemy’s camp before He goes in and destroys them. I loved that thought!

God roaring can strengthen or make the weak bold. When we know we have the Lion of Judah standing beside us and we know He is roaring on our behalf then we know we have the greatest power there is backing us up, that nothing and no one can hurt us. It’s like when a bully taunts you as a kid until he sees your dad suddenly appear behind you, and that bully takes off because someone more powerful than him has shown up.😊 When God roars our enemy the devil flees in terror. Praise the Lord!

Sometimes the Lord roars at us to protect us from danger like when a child is about to step into traffic and his dad roars at him to stop. God’s roar is a protective roar where His kids are concerned.

Joel 3:16 NLT The Lord’s voice will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem, and the heavens and the earth will shake. But the Lord will be a refuge for his people, a strong fortress for the people of Israel.

Aren’t you glad the Lion of the tribe of Judah is for us and not against us? It makes us so grateful He has saved and redeemed us and made us His own, that we are the sheep of His flock.

And when the enemy prowls round pretending to be a roaring lion we can know he has no power because Jesus disarmed him at the Cross and he’s had his teeth pulled out. We can actually roar back at him because we have the Greater One in us, and God says when we resist him he will flee from us!

Thank You Lord with all our hearts You are roaring on our behalf, protecting us and terrifying our enemies. We believe it and receive it in Jesus name. Amen.

Wednesday 16 October 2024


Philippians 4:-7 NLT Don’t worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

If you’ve ever watched a hamster running round and round in his little wheel going nowhere, you’ll identify with how it is when we worry about something over and over again and we get absolutely nowhere as well!

For the amount of worrying we do it wouldn’t be so bad if it actually achieved anything but we know it doesn’t! Apart from producing more wrinkles and probably raising our blood pressure, worry makes us miserable and drains our emotions, it’s a waste of time, and yet many of us still do it!

The Lord knows us so well and it’s one of the things Jesus spoke about. “Don’t worry about tomorrow…” It actually comes down to not trusting God enough and it’s one of the ways the enemy trips us up because worry has become a habit. So what can we do to break the habit?

God did give us the manual to help us and in 1 Peter 5:7 His instruction is to cast all our cares on to Him because He cares about us. I wonder if we’ve done that yet today or have we forgotten? He’s asking us to be willing to surrender even our worries to Him and say we’re going to choose to trust God to sort them all out for our good. He’s asking us to put our faith to work to believe for the turnaround, for His good plans to unfold.

Then He tells us to pray about everything - everything means the little niggly things as well as the giant ones.😊 He goes on to say to be thankful for all His goodness He’s already blessed us with when we’re asking Him for what we need now. He knows if we’ll dwell on the wonderful things He’s done in the past it will encourage us to know He’ll come through for us again. Rehearse the victories, not the defeats!

So can I encourage us all today to put into practice what God says to do and cast all our cares on to Him like a fisherman casts his net in faith. But then don’t pull it back in again - leave it out there cast on the ocean of God’s love and care so He can deal with it in His good time, in the way He knows will be best for us. 

Let’s believe God to bring our net back to us with a boat sinking load of blessing in due time.😊 Thank You Lord. Amen.

Photo by Matt Bero on Unsplash