Tuesday, 26 September 2023


Philippians 1:30 We are in this struggle together. You have seen my struggle in the past, and you know that I am still in the midst of it.

I take heart from this verse because it struck me that it includes all of us who are walking through the Christian life with Jesus. I’m sure we can identify with Paul and acknowledge it can be a struggle sometimes, which is why we need one another.😊

Paul says ‘We are in this struggle together’. We’re not meant to struggle on by ourselves, we need fellowship with faith filled believers who will encourage and build us up in our faith to put our eyes on Jesus even more.

Paul was a great apostle for the Lord, and yet He’s the first to admit he was in the middle of a struggle. Maybe you are too. He was in prison for his faith and though we may not be in prison, it can feel like we’re imprisoned by circumstances and struggle at times. 

When life feels like it’s getting on top of us, it would be good to go to someone we trust, and say we’re struggling and ask for prayer and moral support. It’s good to be honest.😊

God put us in the family of God to be there for one another. Perhaps God is calling you to ‘be there’ for someone else today. Paul often speaks of encouraging each other, bearing one another’s burdens, praying unceasingly not just for ourselves but for others too.

God never intended us to struggle on our own because He’s given us His Holy Spirit to counsel and guide us. He’s given us each other to encourage and build us back up.

Paul knew what he was talking about and tells us how to win through in our struggle. He says to rejoice, have a good attitude, find something to be glad about, be thankful to God in the midst of it all, for all His mercies and goodness to us, for His favour and protection. Remember praise defeats the enemy! 

So let me encourage you. God is still on the throne. He loves you, He’s on your side and He is strengthening you. He will bring you through and out to a place of victory. He’s the God of the turn around and we can all rejoice in those things.😊

Thank You Lord. Our eyes are on You. You are full of loving kindness and You always lead us in victory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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