Thursday, 28 September 2023


Galatians 6:2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

We have a very large teddy bear called Fudge who has been relegated to the garage for some time now as he is so big, but our daughter has borrowed him to take to her Well-Being Class for primary children this week. So now he’s back on duty giving hugs and cuddles to all who want them and he is extremely cuddly! They’ll love him!😊

He reminded me of our verse encouraging us to ‘bear’ one another’s burdens, to be there for someone and give them a hug if it’s needed. There are times when we’re upset and we don’t want to hear any words, we don’t want advice, all we want is to know we are loved, we need a big hug! When Covid was keeping us all apart in 2020 I think one of the hardest parts of it was to not be able to hug or come close to those we loved.

Now I’m not suggesting we go round hugging all we meet, because I know some people would be horrified, but I do know God does want us to love one another in whatever way is appropriate, whether it’s listening to someone’s troubles, or baking them a cake, or phoning them to make sure they know they’re still loved and not forgotten.

John 13:34-35 “So now I am giving you a new commandment. Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”

God wants us to be so loving and lovable that others are drawn to us because they see we have the love of God. We may not be like that in our own nature but we can ask the Holy Spirit to help us grow in His love so we become more and more like Jesus. 

I suddenly had this lovely thought (‘bear’ with me here), of having a God size bear hug with Him at the beginning of every day and as we receive His love so it can flow out to others. Scripture tells us He wraps His loving arms around us, same thing!πŸ™‚

So whenever you see a teddy bear in the future whether he’s big or small, remember to ‘bear’ one another’s burdens, and love one another in whatever way you can. You just might make someone’s life more ‘bearable’.πŸ™‚

Sending you all big hugs today.


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