Tuesday, 12 September 2023


Luke 17:17-18 Jesus asked “Didn’t I heal ten men? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?

Ten lepers had been standing off at a distance when they shouted to Jesus to have mercy on them. Jesus then told them to go and show themselves to the priests and as they went, as they obeyed, they received their miracle of healing.

Now you’d think they’d all be over the moon and come rushing to say thank you to Jesus wouldn’t you? But they didn’t! Only one came back to give glory to God and thank Jesus.

As I was reading that I just had such a sense of how important it is to say thank you to God whenever we’ve seen Him move in our lives, no matter how small a thing it is. He wants us to acknowledge it was from Him, not a coincidence, to be aware of God speaking and moving in our daily lives when others would think it just ‘happened’. We’ve all experienced things where it didn’t just ‘happen’, it was the goodness of God.😊

The leper who returned to say thank you, not only received his healing of leprosy, but the KJV says Jesus blessed him with being made whole. So the parts which had been destroyed and were missing were restored which was a result of going back to say thank you. It makes you think that maybe the other nine lepers were only healed but not made whole. Jesus seemed very disappointed with the attitude of the nine who never thanked Him, because God never received the glory He was due. 

Being thankful released even further blessing for the one who returned with praise and thanks.

Thank you Lord for every good thing, every blessing, no matter how small or big it is that you give us, and we acknowledge it’s all due to Your goodness and care of us. But most of all we thank You for Jesus. Amen.

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