Wednesday, 6 September 2023


Romans 6:11 So you also should consider yourselves to be dead to the power of sin and alive to God through Christ Jesus.

In the Wild West cowboy films they used to pin up posters saying “Wanted: Dead or Alive” and name the criminal.  Today God is telling us to be dead to something and alive to something else.

Scripture says sin came into the world with Adam and Eve when they rebelled against God and chose to believe the devil rather than their Creator. Because of their rebellion, sickness, disease and every evil thing was released into the world and we know it’s why Jesus came to rescue His fallen world.

So we see original sin is the root of all the evil, but sickness and disease are the fruit of that original sin, (not our personal sins) and God tells us to consider ourselves dead to sin’s power, both to the root and the fruit.  He says sickness and disease no longer have power, authority or hold on our lives because Jesus ransomed us from the root and the fruit! Glory to God! 

He then goes on and says to be alive to God through Christ Jesus. In other words be alive to God and His righteousness, alive to His health and healing, and to everything good in His kingdom.

Are we considering ourselves dead and alive to the right things today? Are we doing what God said -  seeing ourselves dead to sin and all its fruit including sickness, disease, poverty, dead to condemnation or guilt, everything that is under the curse, dead to their power over us, declaring  they no longer have any right over us.

Instead, are we seeing ourselves alive to everything Christ won for us at the Cross including our forgiveness, our righteousness, our healing and wholeness, alive to His provision and prosperity, His great grace in every arena of life? 

The good news is Jesus has made us ALIVE in Him today to all those good things. They are the abundant life He talked about if we’ll just realise it, and give our attention to it. 

The power of sin, both the root and the fruit, are defeated! Now let’s truly be alive to God and all His goodness. Amen.😊

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