Tuesday, 19 September 2023


1 Kings18:43 and (Elijah) said to his servant, “Go up now, look toward the sea.” So he went up and looked, and said, “There is nothing.” And seven times he said, “Go again.”

Have you ever gone to look for something and you just can’t find it? So you go again and have another look, and another look. It was a bit like that for Elijah’s servant. They hadn’t had rain for over three years but Elijah had heard from God that He’d send rain (v.1), and he could hear the sound of the abundance of rain in his spirit though he had no evidence. He had the faith to believe God would fulfil His promise.

Faith is believing what God has said and receiving it as fact in our spirit. God wants us to see and hear what we’re believing for in our spirit. See ourselves well, see ourselves prospering, etc. before we have it.

We know faith is what pleases God but sometimes it’s a challenge to keep praying when there’s no encouragement isn’t it? Elijah’s servant kept saying “There is nothing.”  So Elijah sent him to look for a rain cloud again. Same reply “There’s nothing”. But Elijah had God’s word, so he stuck with it. “Go again”. So off went the servant, time and time again. Can you imagine how challenging that must have been to them both? “Go again”. “There’s nothing”, until finally on the seventh look he finally saw it! A cloud the size of a man’s hand! Shortly after there was a deluge! Elijah had the determination to not give up, to pray till the promise came. 

Have you ever been there? Prayed and prayed and there’s nothing, no improvement in your health, not enough money to pay bills maybe? May I encourage you because if you’ll keep believing God’s word is true, keep believing His promises, you will have your ‘seventh time’  and you will see what God has promised you. We need to encourage each other to be determined to pray what God has said in His word and not let go till we have it. Never let go - never give up!

Maybe you feel like you’ve got ‘nothing’, not even a glimmer of something happening. Well Elijah started with ‘nothing’ but eventually his ‘nothing’ became a mighty ‘something’! 

God is still the same God, healing, providing and fulfilling what He has said, so let’s have a made up mind set, to ‘Go again’ until we too have what we’re believing God for, knowing God can make something out of our nothing.😊 Amen.

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