Thursday, 7 September 2023


Luke 16:10-11 If you are faithful in the little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. V.11And if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven?

I’ve always been challenged by these verses and have to keep asking myself am I being faithful in the little things? In another version Jesus calls these money things ‘the least’ whereas the world counts money as all important! Am I using the money, or whatever God gives me, wisely? For instance, He gives us the worldly wealth to buy a home, or a car, so are we faithful in looking after them?

God sees if we’re being grateful for what He has blessed us with (whatever it is) and that we are being good stewards of His goodness. It’s nice to see a home in good repair, and the garden cared for because it’s a good witness to those who pass by or who visit us. It shows we’re looking after what God has already given us, as well as we can, whether it’s little or a lot. 

When we moved to our present house my sister said to me to do my bit for the road by keeping my front garden pretty for others to look at as they pass by. She meant keep it weeded and mow the lawn, maybe have a nice flowerpot,😊 It’s a way to be a good witness of what God has entrusted us with, and because we’re so grateful to Him for it.

Luke 16:12 And if you are not faithful with other people’s things why should you be trusted with things of your own? Jesus says it works the same with other people’s things. For example, if we’re renting, are we faithful to look after it for the landlord or do we become careless because it’s not ours? Or if God has given us a job, or something to do in church, are we faithful by doing the best we can so the business or organisation or church is blessed because we are there? 

Whatever God has blessed us with, whether money, belongings, special abilities or talents, He wants us to use them well for the benefit of others as well as ourselves because He wants to be able to trust us with so much more, both physically and spiritually. 

So Lord our prayer is help us to be faithful in the money things, and in looking after what You’ve given us, and show us where to give our money to in Your kingdom for the gospel to be sent out, and to help the poor. Amen.

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