Thursday, 20 April 2023


Jeremiah 31:3...I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love; With unfailing love have I drawn you to myself.

I was chatting to a shop assistant and it wasn't two minutes before she was showing me pictures of her little boy who she was so proud of. She'd had to wait many years to have him so he was very special to her and her husband so I could understand why.

As I was thinking about that conversation it crossed my mind that God is like that too. You wouldn't be talking to Him for any time at all before He would be getting out our photographs and telling everyone how proud of us He is, because we're His family and so special to Him too

If God had a wallet He'd have our photo up front for all to see because He had to wait a long time for us as well - right from the garden of Eden. Actually He chose us before the world was made!(Ephesians 1:4)

God never wants us to feel as though we're unimportant to Him or insignificant. The price He paid through the blood of Jesus was so great He wants everyone to know and rejoice with Him for every soul saved, that's why the angels party in heaven every time someone repents and gives their life to Jesus.😊(Luke 15:10)

There will never be a time when God isn't interested in every detail of our lives, when He stops thinking about us or stops working everything out for our good. Our God is a faithful God, absolutely filled with love and compassion for each one of us. He's not focused on our past because He's washed it clean in Jesus' blood, and in our spirits He's now made us blameless in His sight.(Colossians 1:22) But He is focused on our present and our future and we can trust Him with it all because His heart is so strong towards us.

So next time you're scrolling through some family photos, remember you're in God's family album too because you're so special to Him and He loves you so much.😊

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