Monday, 10 April 2023


1 Peter 2:9 But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

Just Be! I read that on a sign yesterday and it made me think. Just be what? Just be there? Or Just be thankful? Or Just be yourself? Or Just be honest?  It could be a thousand and one things couldn’t it?

God asks us to just be who He has made us to be - righteous, without fault and blameless in His sight because He sees us through the perfection of Jesus, because He’s placed us in Him. 

Maybe today God wants you to just be there for someone else, to be the one they can call on for help, or advice, or just to know someone out there does care about and loves them.

Perhaps God wants us to just be thankful for all the blessings we do have, not complain about what we don’t have, for the health we do have even if some things aren’t working the way they should yet; to be thankful for our sins forgiven, our guilt and shame totally removed at the cross; for the huge fact that God loves us and Jesus gave His life blood for us.

Everyday God wants us to just be ourselves, not compare ourselves to someone else and wish we had what they had, or could do what they can do. No, we are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator for such a time as this. He has placed inside each one of us His great treasure and He thinks so much of us He planned our salvation before the world was made. You and I are His most prized possessions.😊

God doesn’t call us to pretend, He calls us to just be honest, to be real with Him because He knows us through and through anyway and still loves us beyond measure. There is nothing to fear in being honest with the Lord because He can turn any situation round for our good no matter if we’ve messed things up or someone else has.

So as we begin a new week, let’s ‘Just Be’ whatever God nudges us to be, whatever He’s already equipped and anointed us to be.  Most of all let’s always keep remembering to just be grateful for Jesus and all He has done for us. Amen.

Whatever you’re doing this week, enjoy ‘just being’ in Him.😊

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