Sunday, 9 April 2023


Mark 16:3 And they said among themselves, "Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?"

Mark records there were three ladies walking towards the tomb that Easter morning on a mission to anoint the body of Jesus. We can imagine them, so downhearted, full of grief over Jesus dying and saying "What are we going to do about the stone?" As they walked towards it the thought of it seemed to  loom up in front of them because they knew it was bigger than they could deal with alone. Then it says in v.4 "But when they looked up, they saw that the stone had been rolled away - for it was very large."

Are you walking along thinking "What are we going to do?" Is there something looming up in front of you that seems very large? If so, God encourages us today with this word Look up! The stone is rolled away! God is expert at rolling away stones that we think hold us trapped. He has stone removing power. The enemy thought he had Jesus dead and buried but God knew He had Jesus alive and risen and out of the tomb! The stone had no more power to hold Him in, hallelujah, and He's risen with healing in His wings.

God proved the impossible was possible when He raised Jesus from the dead, victorious over death, the grave and Hell for all eternity and He's alive for evermore. So whatever we're dealing with, whatever the enemy has tried to deceive us with, whatever dream he has told us is dead and buried God is saying the absolute opposite! He says "Look up, the precious blood of Jesus has been shed, the stone is rolled away, resurrection is here!"

He has removed the stone, removed the closed door, removed the heaviness of whatever your stone looks like and He says there is hope evermore because Jesus lives and He lives in you and me. 

Jesus is Risen and no situation is hopeless any more. Because of His shed Blood, because He's alive, the devil is defeated and we have hope. Hope for whatever is wrong to be turned around for our good in our now,  hope for our future, hope for our eternity. Glory to God for evermore. 

Alleluia, for the Lord God, the Almighty reigns.


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