Wednesday, 5 April 2023


Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 (AMP) There is a season (a time appointed) for everything  ...... A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted.

One of my neighbours is in the process of digging up her old patio and taking it through to the front driveway to await removal. Before she can put down her new patio she has to get rid of the old concrete slabs and the hardcore which is holding them up. I'm sure the finished work will be lovely.😊

In the same way if we want God to do something new in our lives, to be able to release His life from inside us where He lives, into the lives of others, we're going to need to allow Him to dig up some things, to uproot some thought patterns or attitudes, to break up any hard ground in us and allow them to be removed.

We may be holding on to our comfort zone, to the things we feel safe with and they're holding back the Holy Spirit from showing us new paths, maybe different ways of doing things we didn't know were there. It may be thoughts about ourselves or others, or some traditions. Jesus said in Mark 7:13 And so you cancel the word of God in order to hand down your own tradition....

I don't know about you, but if I've got some concrete slabs in my thinking that are hindering me, I want them broken up and taken out. I don't want to hinder any of the plans God has to improve or redirect my life where He wants to!

If you feel the same way, then let's ask the Lord together to do a work in each one of us and give Him permission to uproot anything that's blocking His plans and purposes and ask Him to change us from the inside out where we need it, and make room for the new. 

Let's do it in faith with a great expectation of good to come from it, for His blessings to flow in greater measure, and His power to be released in and through us for the benefit of others, knowing that whatever God does it will be good and for our good. Amen.😊 

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