Thursday, 29 December 2022


Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy (loving kindness) and to walk humbly with your God?

Loving kindness is so lovely when you're on the receiving end of it and I have a friend who is one of the kindest people I know. It shows in her words and in her generosity. She has Jesus living on the inside and He can be seen in her. She reminds me of Zechariah 8:23 ..."Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you."

We all have the Holy Spirit of Jesus in us if we've asked Jesus into our lives, and we can all show His love and kindness wherever we go. I'm sure it's something we can grow in more and more if we'll just stay open to His leading and Romans 5:5 tells us the Holy Spirit has put God's love in our hearts so we can. 

It could just be a kind comment that helps turn someone around from feeling hopeless and rubbish about themselves into knowing that they're of great worth and are beautiful in God's eyes.

How wonderful when people want to spend time with us, or be with us, just because they can see Jesus in us, see His love and mercy, not our judgement or criticism. That's not who we are any more. We are people who have God inside and He's the God who wants to be God to them too. He wants to pull them to Himself through His loving kindness He shows through us.😊

It's the goodness of God that draws men to repentance (Romans 2:4) and if we ask Him He'll give us opportunities to show His kindness and goodness to them. We have a wonderful Saviour.😊

Lord show us more and more how to walk in Your ways and do the things You want us to do, so others are drawn to You by Your love in us. Amen.


  1. ...and many blessings are showered on each one of God loves a cheerful giver...a giver is someone who could be picking up a glove someone dropped and handing it to them with a smile on our face; it could be giving the shop keeper the couple of pence the person in front of you who is short of in paying for their shopping; it could be buying a hot chocolate and a pastry for the person standing outside the supermarket in t cold and wet weather trying to sell The Big Issue magazine...or it could be blessing a friend with something that will bless them ...God is so very good and Knows how to Give Good Gifts to His Children and beyond where He can Bless others...He IS A LOVING GOD and LOVES YOU TOO x
    Thanku Jackie for this word you have brought to us today...sure is God Inspired ...the Lord bless you my friend x

    1. Great encouragement to us all Wendy. Thanks for your comments. Appreciate it.
