Thursday, 1 December 2022


Psalm 121:5 The Lord will guard you. He is by your side to protect you.

Yesterday I went for an endoscopy which is a camera down the throat for investigations. As the nurse read all the risks I had alarm bells go off on the inside but signed the consent form anyway.

Now just before I went in for the procedure Chris had been led to give me a slip of paper with the words above written on it about God guarding me and being by my side which I read and declared over and over and over as I waited.

As they tried to carry out the procedure they found they were totally unable to get the camera over my throat and after three failed attempts they gave up. By that time my throat was a bit beaten up and I was stressed, very disappointed and thought "What's going on here?"  I'm sure you've experienced similar things when you can't understand what's happening and it can feel upsetting! 😊

When I was calmer though I realised that God had intervened and had indeed protected me from harm. They were apparently using the wrong size camera for my small frame and might have caused great harm on the inside if they had carried on. In the end I was just so grateful to God and so thankful for His great care in overruling in the whole situation.

I don't normally share things like this but felt that someone might need encouragement if your circumstances seem to go wrong, or you just can't figure out why stuff is, or isn't happening, the way you think it should. God wants us to know He is in control of it all and He wants us to keep our eyes on Him and trust Him for the best outcome.

He loves us so much and He is protecting us from all harm and as He promised me some weeks ago He is delivering us from the works of the devil (2 Timothy 4:18).

I hope that helps and encourages somebody to remember God really is guarding and protecting us. Thank You Lord.😊

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