Wednesday, 14 December 2022


Hebrews 12:2 .....we do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus.

A couple of nights ago I was making the special marmalade my friend had given me, with everything merrily bubbling away in the pot, when I was distracted for a minute and went to chat in the other room. Big mistake! I came back to find it boiled over, sticky marmalade over the whole of the cooker hob, gas gone out of course, and such a sticky mess to clean up! I'd never done that in over 30 years of making marmalade! It was not a happy moment!! All was well in the end though and I miraculously now have six lovely jars of marmalade despite the spill!😊

Life can be like that sometimes when we get distracted from what we're supposed to be doing. Our enemy will get us off track if he can by giving us things to do that seem so important, or an opportunity not to be missed. Often, I'll be writing the blog and things keep flashing up on the screen to distract, but they prove to be just that, they're distractions from our purpose and sometimes we can end up in a bit of a mess if we don't pay attention.😊

God has given us more than enough grace and mercy for each day to do what He wants us to do and it seems when we allow ourselves to be distracted, we run out of puff because we're doing more than God asked of us. 

We have enough emotional energy for each day but when we bring yesterday's baggage into today our emotions go all to pot because they're overloaded and can't handle it. We get distracted by thinking of what happened yesterday, or years before, or what might happen and get upset about it. Matthew 6:34 .....Today's trouble is enough for today.

Let's not take our eyes off the marmalade, but keep focused on Jesus and what God gives us to do, not the distractions. As we go through the day we can keep checking in "Am I supposed to be doing this right now, or just keep my hands off?  Thank You for helping me to only deal with today in Your strength. Help me to not be distracted Lord." Amen.

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