Friday, 2 December 2022


Zephaniah 3:17 The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save. He will rejoice over you with gladness. He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing.

I wonder if you're in the 'middle' of something just now? It might be in the middle of making an important decision, in the middle of a stressful situation, or a mess someone else or you made yourself, or maybe in the middle of an illness or family situation. 

Whatever it is we're in the middle of God wants us to know that He is in the middle of it with us. I woke in the middle of the night last night and that thought just kept running through my head as God just ran through every situation we could possibly go through and how He is right there in the midst of it with us.

We're not dealing with things on our own, we have blood backed promises of God to stand on, and the Creator of the universe going before us and coming behind us every single minute of every single day. We have the Spirit of God who raised Christ from the dead living on the inside of us and Jesus Himself is our Great High Priest interceding for us with God the Father 24/7.

Jesus died on a wooden cross in the middle of two thieves, in the middle of what looked like a hopeless situation. He hung in the middle between heaven and earth for hours on end, so He understands what being in the middle means. The thing to remember is that the 'middle' doesn't last forever. It has a destination that God is bringing us to. He is bringing us through and out and it's good to not just remember that but believe it and declare it and allow Him to 'quiet us with His love' as our verse says today. 

God is in control of our lives and He will take us from the middle to the other side of it all, so hang in there, don't despair or be discouraged. God is working it out for our good and His glory.😊

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