Saturday, 24 December 2022


Matthew 2:10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.

These wise travellers from the Far East had come a long way and the only navigation they seemed to be following was a star in the sky, so they must have followed it all through the night for months for them to be able to see it. They were determined to find the New King no matter what! I wonder if they knew He would be the King of Kings?

We often think we have to have all the latest technology to live in today's world but God is so much bigger than that and can provide us with all the guidance and navigation we need, when we need it. Sometimes He leads us beside still waters, at others He leads us out of the valleys. He leads and guides us everyday of our lives and all He asks of us is to follow His leading, just like with the star in the sky.

At one point it looked like the star had temporarily disappeared from sight because when they saw it again they were absolutely overjoyed. The end of their quest was in sight and it led them to the exact spot where Jesus was and we can imagine the whoop for joy there must have been!

Thankfully this Christmas we don't need a star in the sky to follow, we have the Spirit of God Himself inside us and He's reminding us He'll lead us to Jesus not only today but every day if we'll follow His leading. How wonderful that is - something we too can be overjoyed about especially when things are difficult.😊

I pray you have a truly blessed, joy filled Christmas everybody as the Lord leads us to discover Jesus afresh in the midst of our Christmas celebrations, whatever shape they may take for us.😊


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