Tuesday, 13 December 2022


James 4:7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

I read this recently: "Every Christian is at war. There is a perpetual struggle against Satan and his kingdom from which there are no 'leaves' or 'discharges.' Our enemy goes about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter. 5:8). Those who resist the devil will see him flee (James. 4:7). The only ones whom he devours are those who don't actively fight against him."

Now I don't know about you but I do not want to be devoured so it's up to me, and you, to do some resisting! It's tempting to think God will do it all for us to just pray, sit back and do nothing, but God very clearly tells us we have to do the resisting, we are the ones who have to make a stand of faith, and it's not up to God to do it all.  Yes the battle is the Lord's but we still have to have our armour on, having done all stand our ground in faith, and resist the enemy. He's waiting on us to do our part.😊 

It's worth noticing our verse says submit to God first, which means to submit to His way of doing things, then we can resist the devil and he'll flee.

Psalm 18:39 You have armed me with strength for the battle; you have subdued my enemies under my feet.

God has given us His spiritual weapons to use against the enemy (2 Corinthians 10:4) and if we wont use them, then that is our free choice, but we can't be surprised or complain if we get bashed up! 

Jesus told us to use His authority to bind and loose things and tell them to be removed and bow to the name of Jesus. (Matt. 18:18) He's given us the blood of Jesus for us to take shelter and protection under. He's given us the word of God itself to put in our mouths to use as a sharp two edged sword against the devil whether it's against sickness or lack in any area, we can use the word to demolish it.

I hope this has encouraged us all to do our part and get serious about resisting the enemy when he attacks us, use our weapons and not let him get away with it anymore, and as we stand our ground we'll see the Lord do His part by delivering us. Amen.😊

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