Friday, 15 July 2022


Proverbs 20:24 The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?

I wonder how often we've made the comment "I just don't understand it!"and then allowed ourselves to be all upset as a result? I think we've all been there at some point in life so the writer of Proverbs under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit gave us some advice.

He says "Why try to understand everything along the way?" in other words just be secure in knowing the Lord is lovingly directing your life, and trust Him with the outcome. Even if we did understand it, what difference would it make to the outcome anyway? It sounds as though we don't need to understand everything to get to where we're going but just keep allowing the Lord to direct us. 

It comes down to an issue of trust.  He's asking us to have a child like faith trusting Him that He's in control of our lives and He will do whatever He has said He will do in His word and rest in that.

One of the enemy's main weapons is to try to make us doubt God, just like he did with Eve and that's when it's so important to keep reading God's word to keep reminding ourselves of exactly what God has promised and then cling to it no matter what happens.

So if things are happening and you just don't understand why, don't let the enemy rattle you. 

Let's just say "Lord I don't understand everything that's happening but I know I don't have to in order to have peace of mind because I trust You to help me, protect me and provide for me, regardless of who does what. I thank You Lord that Your love is wrapped all round me and I'm going to be more than all right. I rest in that. In Jesus' Name Amen.

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