Tuesday, 5 July 2022


Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good, like medicine... (Nkjv)

Do you ever do things and get really intense about it? That happened to me recently when I was crafting with my granddaughter. We were making a clock together and I wanted to do the thing so right for her that I found myself tensely holding my breath while I did it so I didn't mess it up! How silly am I, but crafting can do that to you!😊

Anyway a couple of days ago someone said we should learn not to take ourselves so seriously - to lighten up, and I realised I need to listen to that advice, how about you?

We should certainly take God seriously but maybe we can learn to not take ourselves so seriously. For some of us that's easier said than done but it would probably defuse a lot of situations if we did, like when I see my dentist today! Being tensed up wont help at all but thinking of something funny will.

Apparently the healthiest people in the world are the ones who laugh at themselves the most. Did you know laughter pleases God and our verse encourages us to have a merry heart, or to put it another way - see the funny side of things and have a laugh especially at our own expense. 

So whatever you're doing today if you feel yourself getting all tensed up, take a deep breath and try to see the funny side of it.  If you spill coffee all down yourself, instead of going into melt down, just imagine you're on TV doing a funny sketch and just laugh. Get the idea?

I know there's a lot of serious stuff going on, but I just wanted to remind us that God gave us a sense of humour to help us through it all, and He wants us to remember to laugh more. The wonderful thing is, laughing releases all sorts of healthy endorphins into our bodies too, so hey, let's try and see the funny side of life when we can! 😊

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