Thursday, 28 July 2022


John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, "I have overcome the world."

Lighten up and smile! That thought popped in my head yesterday after I'd had a conversation with someone who was feeling quite negative about the world in general. They were focusing on all the problems and had forgotten our God is far bigger and more powerful than anything we have to deal with.

As God's children we have to be careful we don't fall into the hole the world is trying to suck everyone in to and remember that we have been given the victory by Jesus and it's our faith in Him that overcomes the world and all it's upsets. (1 John 5:4) Jesus gave us His peace so we can Cheer Up!😊

Scripture reminds us that we are not citizens of this world but citizens of heaven, that we belong to the Kingdom of God not the kingdom of men, but it's so easy to forget those truths when the electric bill floats on to the door mat!

It's at those moments that we need to go back to the word and see what God has to say about it all. He warns us that in the last days there will be times of great difficulty but Jesus told us to cheer up because He's already overcome any problem we might face so long as we're looking to Him for the answers. It's only when we try to work it all out for ourselves that we get caught up in the stress around us!

God seems to be reminding me almost daily that we're not helpless or hopeless - far from it and we have a Good Shepherd who is watching over us night and day. Maybe it would help to remember how much better off we are than millions of people in the world who have nothing. 

So can I encourage us to lighten up, cheer up and smile because God is with us. 😊

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