Tuesday, 26 July 2022


Psalm 118:6 The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.

God is with me. You may forget everything else today but if you remember that 'God is with me', then whatever happens, you know you're not dealing with it alone, and that He will keep you safe.

When it's peaceful and all is calm He is there, and when a storm is raging and the waves are trying to overwhelm you, He is there then too. There will never be any experience in our lives when He is not right there, holding us steady in the palm of His hand.

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Our Heavenly Father is not an absentee Dad; He is right there in the middle of it all with us, helping us.  

We all face different fears and He tells us not to fear, but then we do. He tells us not to worry, but then we do. It's because we've forgotten He is with us. Jesus is in it with us and He will get us to the other side.

Nothing is going to happen that He doesn't already know about and hasn't already dealt with. He has already defeated our enemies. 

When our fears loom up we can do something about it by what we say. The enemy would love to make us think we're helpless but God says we are not helpless because He is helping us! 

We all feel fearful at times, but with His help we can start fighting back and declaring

"My God is with me and this fear will not bring me down. My God is helping me to overcome it. I'm not in this on my own. My God is with me and I'm going to be more than all right. I going to win over because He's made me more than a conqueror. 

My God is strengthening me, healing me, restoring me, providing for me and protecting me. I am in the palm of His mighty hand and His wings are covering me. I have His favour, His blessing and nothing shall by any means hurt me because GOD IS WITH ME."

May I encourage us to do it over and over again as we need to, because our bodies and minds listen to what we say - far more than what others say.


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