Saturday, 30 July 2022


Isaiah 40:31 But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

I was watching out the window the other day when I saw a dove laboriously climbing up the roof ridge tiles of a house to reach the top so he could survey his surroundings. I thought 'why doesn't he just fly up there, why walk when you've got wings!'

I realised it's a bit like that for us. God has given us His wings of faith to fly to heights we maybe can't even imagine yet but instead we have a tendency to laboriously plod on, trundling through our daily lives in our own strength and our own wisdom. We've forgotten God has promised we can learn to soar with wings of an eagle when we trust Him. An eagle flies higher than other birds, he rises above everything that's going on below him and God wants us to learn to do the same thing.

That dove could have reached the top in half the time if he just flew and sometimes I think we're taking the long way round just because we're not reaching out in faith to God.

Faith believes for things it can't see in the natural but knows they do exist in the unseen realm. They are the things we know God has promised us in His word but we don't see them yet with our physical eyes. So let's use our wings of faith and reach out to God for the things He's placed in our hearts, but that we're holding back on because 'reason' has told us they're impossible. 

Faith knows our impossible is God's possible, and that's partly what it means to soar with wings of an eagle. We rise up into God's realm where all things are possible with Him. Hallelujah!

Let's encourage each other to rise a bit higher, take some faith flying lessons together, do a bit of soaring and believe that all things are possible with God! ðŸ˜Š

Have a great weekend.

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