Thursday, 7 July 2022


Psalm 31:15 My times are in Your hands....

I read this the other day, "Say Yes to God's timing."  That struck me because it's the waiting for God to do something that is one of the hardest things because our faith is being tested. Will we wait for God no matter what it looks like, or how long it takes? 

If you're anything like me you probably want God to do things right away and you might even want to tell Him how you think He should do it as well! 😊

Our flesh doesn't want to wait, but Abraham was a classic example of running ahead of God and trying to 'help God out' by making things happen! The end result was a baby who wasn't the right one, a grumpy wife, and a very dysfunctional family. It reads a bit like today's media but the good news is God still had His way in the end and in His own timing. God is not fazed by our mistakes.

Is there something you're waiting for, or dreaming of, something that you wish God would hurry up with? If so, can I encourage us all, to not only say 'Yes' to God but 'Yes' to His timing as well, because His timing is never late, it's perfect. He's not absent minded, He's not forgotten us and He's working on our behalf in the background all the time even though we very often can't see it.

God wants us to trust Him and if He wants you to go somewhere, or to give you something, or lead you to someone, rest assured He will do it. Let's just relax and trust His timing will be perfect so we can stop fretting and fussing. Let's just be grateful for where we're at, and thankful for what we do have at the moment.😊

Isaiah 60:22....At the right time, I, the Lord, will make it happen. Thank You Lord.

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