Sunday, 31 July 2022


Isaiah 25:1 (Nkjv)

 O Lord, You are my God, I will exalt You, 

I will praise Your name, 

For You have done wonderful things; 

Your counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.

It's good to remember just how wonderful our God is. At Christmas we're reminded that 'His name shall be called Wonderful' and then can lose sight of that truth as we fall back into routines and the things that distract us.

Our God is the One who gives us the very breath we breathe, and every morning He gives us new mercies to bless our day. How wonderful.

Our Lord Jesus is such a wonderful Saviour to us too. He took all the punishment for our sin, took all our guilt and shame into Himself at the cross and exchanged it for His own righteousness. He has given us right standing with His Father, and now His Father has become our Father. He has made us acceptable in His sight - how wonderful!

He took all our sicknesses and diseases into His own body and exchanged them for His healing, His peace, His wholeness and by His stripes we are healed. How wonderful that is. (Isaiah 53, 1 Peter 2:24))

He has given us the gift of eternal life so that when we die we pass over into His presence for ever and we will be enveloped in His loving, outstretched arms. How wonderful is that?

He has given us the gift of His Holy Spirit so we're not alone in our here and now. We have His help, His strength, His wisdom available to us and His great comfort when we're distressed. Isn't that wonderful?

I'm sure you can think of loads more wonderful things to praise and exalt His name for, so let's look beyond the things that bother us and look up to our Wonderful God and Saviour and praise Him with a grateful heart for all the wonderful things He has done. Amen. 😊

Saturday, 30 July 2022


Isaiah 40:31 But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

I was watching out the window the other day when I saw a dove laboriously climbing up the roof ridge tiles of a house to reach the top so he could survey his surroundings. I thought 'why doesn't he just fly up there, why walk when you've got wings!'

I realised it's a bit like that for us. God has given us His wings of faith to fly to heights we maybe can't even imagine yet but instead we have a tendency to laboriously plod on, trundling through our daily lives in our own strength and our own wisdom. We've forgotten God has promised we can learn to soar with wings of an eagle when we trust Him. An eagle flies higher than other birds, he rises above everything that's going on below him and God wants us to learn to do the same thing.

That dove could have reached the top in half the time if he just flew and sometimes I think we're taking the long way round just because we're not reaching out in faith to God.

Faith believes for things it can't see in the natural but knows they do exist in the unseen realm. They are the things we know God has promised us in His word but we don't see them yet with our physical eyes. So let's use our wings of faith and reach out to God for the things He's placed in our hearts, but that we're holding back on because 'reason' has told us they're impossible. 

Faith knows our impossible is God's possible, and that's partly what it means to soar with wings of an eagle. We rise up into God's realm where all things are possible with Him. Hallelujah!

Let's encourage each other to rise a bit higher, take some faith flying lessons together, do a bit of soaring and believe that all things are possible with God! ðŸ˜Š

Have a great weekend.

Friday, 29 July 2022


Ecclesiastes 3:1-4 For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to kill and a time to heal….. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance. A time to embrace and a time to turn away.....

There are times and seasons for everything. If we keep reading on in that passage up to verse 8 we discover just about every human experience is mentioned. God knows all about timing and He's never late but He may test our faith by taking us up to the last minute.

He already knows what is in our hearts but sometimes He needs to reveal to us what is in our hearts too, so we can learn to trust Him more, knowing that His timing is always right for us.

I don't know about you but I tend to want things done now, to deal with the difficulty now, and get it over and done with but some things take time. God ordained something called seed time and harvest. It's the space between seedtiiiiiime .......and......harvest which can't be rushed because it's a process that has to take place to receive the full harvest that's expected.

A farmer knows not to go and dig up the seed every five minutes to see how it's doing. No, he just rests in the certain knowledge that he's done his bit; planted the seed and the harvest will follow in due course.

So, if there are some things you are waiting for and they seem to be taking a while don't be frustrated, discouraged or anxious but be encouraged because you're just in the bit in between the seedtiiiiiiiiime and the harvest and yes it can seem slow! It's the bit when you trust God's perfect timing, the bit when you keep your faith out there believing for a full harvest of whatever it is you're waiting for at the other end.

God says our times are in His hand and I can't think of a safer place to be than that, which I hope will help us to relax and let God do what He wants to do in the time He wants to do it knowing He has our very best interests at heart. 😊

Psalm 31:15 My times are in Your hand; ....

Thursday, 28 July 2022


John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, "I have overcome the world."

Lighten up and smile! That thought popped in my head yesterday after I'd had a conversation with someone who was feeling quite negative about the world in general. They were focusing on all the problems and had forgotten our God is far bigger and more powerful than anything we have to deal with.

As God's children we have to be careful we don't fall into the hole the world is trying to suck everyone in to and remember that we have been given the victory by Jesus and it's our faith in Him that overcomes the world and all it's upsets. (1 John 5:4) Jesus gave us His peace so we can Cheer Up!😊

Scripture reminds us that we are not citizens of this world but citizens of heaven, that we belong to the Kingdom of God not the kingdom of men, but it's so easy to forget those truths when the electric bill floats on to the door mat!

It's at those moments that we need to go back to the word and see what God has to say about it all. He warns us that in the last days there will be times of great difficulty but Jesus told us to cheer up because He's already overcome any problem we might face so long as we're looking to Him for the answers. It's only when we try to work it all out for ourselves that we get caught up in the stress around us!

God seems to be reminding me almost daily that we're not helpless or hopeless - far from it and we have a Good Shepherd who is watching over us night and day. Maybe it would help to remember how much better off we are than millions of people in the world who have nothing. 

So can I encourage us to lighten up, cheer up and smile because God is with us. 😊

Wednesday, 27 July 2022


Isaiah 43:2 When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.  When you go through rivers of difficulty you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.

I heard this statement the other day "What you have been through is not permanent."  I'm so thankful for that because when we're going through things we tend to think nothing will change, that we're stuck. We find it hard to imagine that we're definitely coming out the other side whether it's finances, relationships, health issues, whatever, and it's then we need a gentle reminder that we do have the promise of God on it in our verse today. 

We all go through things at different times in our lives and at the time they can seem overwhelming or impossible but looking back over a long time I can testify that God has always been faithful and He did what He said - He brought me through and out the other side and He will do the same for you as you trust Him.

There is always light at the end of the tunnel when our hand is being held by Almighty God. He has promised that our path will get brighter and brighter, now hang on to that promise with confidence in Him and in His word.

You are not staying in the valley, you are passing through it and there are still wonderful mountain tops to enjoy. ðŸ˜Š

Be encouraged whatever it is you are experiencing at the minute, it's not permanent - you are passing through it with the Lord Himself. The waters wont overflow you, you wont be burned up and you wont be consumed.. 

Going through means there is an exit point at some juncture, so be assured He will bring you out and He'll strengthen and help you while you're still in it, until He does. 😊

Tuesday, 26 July 2022


Psalm 118:6 The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.

God is with me. You may forget everything else today but if you remember that 'God is with me', then whatever happens, you know you're not dealing with it alone, and that He will keep you safe.

When it's peaceful and all is calm He is there, and when a storm is raging and the waves are trying to overwhelm you, He is there then too. There will never be any experience in our lives when He is not right there, holding us steady in the palm of His hand.

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Our Heavenly Father is not an absentee Dad; He is right there in the middle of it all with us, helping us.  

We all face different fears and He tells us not to fear, but then we do. He tells us not to worry, but then we do. It's because we've forgotten He is with us. Jesus is in it with us and He will get us to the other side.

Nothing is going to happen that He doesn't already know about and hasn't already dealt with. He has already defeated our enemies. 

When our fears loom up we can do something about it by what we say. The enemy would love to make us think we're helpless but God says we are not helpless because He is helping us! 

We all feel fearful at times, but with His help we can start fighting back and declaring

"My God is with me and this fear will not bring me down. My God is helping me to overcome it. I'm not in this on my own. My God is with me and I'm going to be more than all right. I going to win over because He's made me more than a conqueror. 

My God is strengthening me, healing me, restoring me, providing for me and protecting me. I am in the palm of His mighty hand and His wings are covering me. I have His favour, His blessing and nothing shall by any means hurt me because GOD IS WITH ME."

May I encourage us to do it over and over again as we need to, because our bodies and minds listen to what we say - far more than what others say.


Monday, 25 July 2022


Psalm 94:16-19 Who will protect me from the wicked? Who will stand up for me against evildoers? Unless the Lord had helped me, I would soon have settled in the silence of the grave. I cried out, "I am slipping!" but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me. When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.

The Psalmist was obviously having a tough time and even his life was in danger. Now we may not be in such a dangerous situation as that but perhaps we've all experienced the "I'm slipping" feeling with doubts bombarding us trying to fill our minds; those times when for some reason we feel very low.

But we need never despair because our God loves us and He is the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. (2 Cor. 1:3-4)

God has promised in His word that He will comfort us, and as we keep believing, He'll fill us with hope and even His joy in the middle of what is troubling us. (Romans 15:13)

So as we start this new week, remember you're not alone, God is right there with you in it all, and He's holding you steady, and filling you with His hope and cheering you up. And if you feel like you're slipping at some point dig out these scriptures again and again and keep reading them over your life because nothing is impossible with God. He is loving and supporting you and He wont let you go. 😊

Sunday, 24 July 2022


Psalm 63:7-8 (Nlt)

Because you are my helper, 

I sing for joy in the shadow of your wings.

 I cling to you; 

your strong right hand holds me securely.

We don't have just any old helper, our Heavenly Father gave us the Holy Spirit Himself to help us every moment of our day and on top of that we're encouraged to come to His throne of grace for help when we need it. He knows we need all the help we can get!😊

Psalm 91 reminds us that when we dwell in the shadow of the Almighty that He will cover us with His feathers and shelter us under His wings. God gave us this lovely picture of a mother bird with her little ones snuggled in safely under her protective wings. I hope that helps us want to sing for joy, knowing we are snuggled under our loving Father's wings as we go through each day.

And as we cling tightly to the Lord we can be aware of His strong right hand holding us all so securely that we can enter His rest with a smile on our faces and His peace in our hearts.

Just take a minute and read these two verses again and allow them to paint a picture in your heart. Then let's truly sing for joy and praise our wonderful loving Saviour today.

Saturday, 23 July 2022


Philippians 3:16 But we must hold on to the progress we have already made.

The Apostle Paul had been speaking about forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, about pressing on to reach the end of the race and receiving the heavenly prize. Then he makes this wonderfully wise statement But we must hold on to the progress we have already made.

May I encourage anyone reading this today to hold on to the progress you've already made because you have made some progress over recent months. When you think you're not getting anywhere, that you feel like you've taken one step forward and two steps back those thoughts are not of God. You have made progress, now hang on to it!! You are doing better than you think.

Keep reminding yourself that the path of the righteous gets brighter and brighter, that the Lord is directing your steps and He is not only going ahead of you but also guarding your back. Keep declaring the favour of God on your life and that you are precious in His sight. 

When you feel down because you can't see progress, look up, grab a hold of the faith God has put in you, even if it feels as small as a seed, and remember you are accepted by God in His beloved Son, that He paid the highest price for you to be part of His family, that He cares about you so much and has good plans for you. Hold on to those truths.

Whatever doubts you may have, know for a certainty that you are deeply loved by God, highly favoured and greatly blessed because of Jesus. Even if you don't feel like it, keep declaring those words over your life by faith because they are what God says about you.


Friday, 22 July 2022


Esther 2:22 But Mordecai heard about the plot and gave the information to Queen Esther. She then told the king about it and gave Mordecai credit for the report.

The plot was for two eunuchs to assassinate King Xerxes but because Mordecai had told Esther what he'd discovered, and she then told the King, the plot was aborted and the king's life was saved.

What struck me was the integrity of Queen Esther. She could so easily have told the king about the plot but pretended she had discovered it by herself and so would have had great favour with the king. But she was honest and gave the credit to Mordecai and he rightfully received the credit he was due and it ended up saving his life later on. Our actions can affect others so much!

It might be tempting sometimes to take the credit for something to ourselves and not let on that actually it was someone else who had the idea, or who instigated a new way of doing things, etc. just so we can look good.

We can even forget to give God himself the credit for all the good we have in our lives. People may praise us for a lovely house or the ability to do something and it's then we have a golden opportunity to say "Well actually, if it wasn't for the goodness of God I wouldn't have any of it."

Every good gift comes from God (James 1:17) which includes all our possessions, our skills and talents, basically everything that's good in our lives, so let's be like Queen Esther today and give others credit where it's due and give God all the glory and thank Him for it all.😊

Thursday, 21 July 2022


Philippians 4:6-7 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. v.7 Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

A couple of days ago we looked at guarding our hearts and today we're looking at guarding our hearts and minds. If we're finding that a challenge then I hope what follows will help.😊

He starts off with 'don't worry, but pray.' I think a lot of us do a lot more worrying than we do praying! In fact if I spent the time praying that I do worrying I know things would change! But I need constantly reminding of that, how about you?

He goes on 'Tell God what you need and thank Him...' Very often we're good at the telling God bit, but we forget the second part! We're so intense about the problems that we maybe come away without saying thank you for all He's already done for us, for listening to us, and also thanking Him in faith for all we know He's promised He will do for us. How about doing more 'thanking' and less 'telling'?

Our hearts and minds are all at sixes and sevens sometimes and we've allowed all the worries in just because we didn't do the praying, the telling and the thanking first!

The Holy Spirit reminds us that it's the peace of God that will guard our hearts and minds as we live in Christ Jesus but we have to do our part first. So instead of fretting let's do what He says - pray instead of worrying, tell God specifically what it is we need - not some vague, airy fairy prayer, and be oh so thankful to Him and then just relax and believe He's sorting it all out for your good, and allow Him to do the peace guarding bit. 

When we worry we're actively blocking His peace without realising it, so instead let's actively allow His peace into our hearts and minds today as we trust Him with our futures. Amen.

Wednesday, 20 July 2022


Psalm 103:4 Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies.

I saw a picture of a very little girl bending over with her umbrella so it would protect a dog that was being soaked by the pouring rain. It was a random act of kindness which extended even to a dog!

The thought occurred to me that if she could be thoughtful and kind to a dog, how much more can we do the same for people who might need a kind act or word today or anytime.

Because God our Father is full of loving kindness we can be too. It may mean being unselfish like the little girl who was prepared to get wet just so the dog could be dry. But kindness goes a long way and it's like a pebble dropped in a pond - the ripples go far and wide. Our one act of kindness may affect many people as it's passed on.

2 Timothy 2:24 tells us to be kind to everyone. Maybe we could ask the Lord for Him to show us when someone needs us to be kind and not be so busy or in such a hurry that we miss their need. 

Luke 6:35 even tells us that God is kind to the unthankful and evil and reminds us of how kind He is to us even when we're very unthankful sometimes!

So this is just a little nudge to remember we're wearing a crown of loving kindness on our heads which our kind Father has given us, and to be on the lookout for any way we can show a kindness to someone else in the coming week.

Tuesday, 19 July 2022


Ecclesiastes 7:21 Do not take to heart everything people say, ......

We all know that the things people say can cause a lot of trouble and hurt and it's hard to not take them to heart.  People don't always mean what they say, or say what they mean, and that goes for ourselves too. How often have we said something and it came out all wrong and we wished we'd kept our mouths shut? We didn't mean to be hurtful, the person just took it the wrong way.

It can happen to us too, when someone says something and we think they mean one thing when in actual fact it never even entered their head we'd take it that way! We can be too sensitive sometimes.😊

Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

Even if they were nasty on purpose at the end of the day God has told us that He loves us and He approves of us and that is what really matters not what people think or say. So let's guard our hearts from letting offence in.

People are prone to change their minds anyway and more than likely stopped thinking about any of it five minutes after it was said, while we're still fretting over it at three in the morning, or maybe even years later! 

So if you can relate to any of that and someone has upset you, don't take it to heart but take it to the Lord and ask Him for His grace to forgive them and let it go. Likewise, if we've said something hurtful let's ask for forgiveness and then let it go too. Let's not give the enemy a foothold, but use our God given ability to guard our hearts, forgive them, and ourselves, and keep moving forward.

Monday, 18 July 2022


2 Corinthians 12:9 Each time he said, "My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.".....

We are experiencing a bit of a record breaking heat wave here in the UK at the moment, and in the Midlands where we live, the temperature for the next two days is supposed to feel like around 38-40 degrees which is extreme for us considering it's normally 21 degrees!

The trouble is, when we know what we think is coming, we may start to worry about it and even dread it but God has said He will give us enough grace for each day as it comes. He doesn't give us a prepacked shopping bag with grace enough for the coming month and say 'There you are, get on with it.' No, He gives us what we need for each day or moment we're in at the time, as our need arises.

So whatever is coming this week, whether with the weather or in our everyday circumstances, we can remember that God has said He will supply us with more than enough grace and favour to be able to not only deal with it, but to be an Over-comer with His help. 

Even if it's uncomfortable or difficult, whatever it is that happens in life, His presence is with us to rise above it and even find something in it to be thankful for. Like Corrie Ten Boom who found their prison hut infested with fleas and they were covered in flea bites in the prison camp but it kept the wardens away so she and her sister thanked the Lord they were able to hold a bible study with the ladies without being discovered. I think that would have taken some grace!

So I hope you can enjoy your week, even if it is as hot as Australia, and don't forget your suntan lotion and sunhat!😊

Hebrews 4:16 So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.

Sunday, 17 July 2022


Psalm 116:1 

I love the Lord because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. 

v.2 Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath! 

v.9 And so I walk in the Lord's presence as I live here on earth!

Knowing we are walking with the Lord's presence right in us and beside us, knowing He hears our voice and our prayers for mercy, knowing He bends down to listen to us any time of day or night brings such a sense of being loved and cared for by the One who holds the universe in His hands.

I hope it encourages us all to keep praying, keep praising, keep thanking and loving Him as long as we still have breath in our bodies because He is still listening and answering. 

What a wonderful Saviour we have. Thank You Jesus for making it all possible.

Saturday, 16 July 2022


Ephesians 5:18 Don't be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit. 

By the end of a busy week it's easy to feel a bit drained and spiritually low, a bit like a car when it's beginning to run out of fuel, it starts to splutter and stutter and then conk out. We all know we can't run on empty!

The Lord knows we need replenishing on a regular basis and that's why He tells us to be filled with His Spirit. A more accurate way of saying it, is to be 'being filled', which is a constant filling rather than a one off experience. 

So right now, don't even wait till tomorrow, can I encourage us to spend some time in the Lord's loving presence and deliberately lift our hands up to Him and ask Him to fill us up again with His joy and peace, with His hope for good things to come. Let Him fill us up with His wisdom and energy when we're tired. And where we need healing, allow His great grace for healing to flow into all areas of our bodies and minds, and let Him restore your soul. Most of all receive and fill up on His great love because it's His perfect love for us that drives out fear. (1 John 4:18)

The Lord wants to come and constantly fill you up with Himself and with whatever you're running low on. So don't try to run on empty but pull into His refuelling station today where it costs you nothing but some of your time, and come out again fully charged and ready to go.😊

Have a greatly blessed, recharged weekend. x

Friday, 15 July 2022


Proverbs 20:24 The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?

I wonder how often we've made the comment "I just don't understand it!"and then allowed ourselves to be all upset as a result? I think we've all been there at some point in life so the writer of Proverbs under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit gave us some advice.

He says "Why try to understand everything along the way?" in other words just be secure in knowing the Lord is lovingly directing your life, and trust Him with the outcome. Even if we did understand it, what difference would it make to the outcome anyway? It sounds as though we don't need to understand everything to get to where we're going but just keep allowing the Lord to direct us. 

It comes down to an issue of trust.  He's asking us to have a child like faith trusting Him that He's in control of our lives and He will do whatever He has said He will do in His word and rest in that.

One of the enemy's main weapons is to try to make us doubt God, just like he did with Eve and that's when it's so important to keep reading God's word to keep reminding ourselves of exactly what God has promised and then cling to it no matter what happens.

So if things are happening and you just don't understand why, don't let the enemy rattle you. 

Let's just say "Lord I don't understand everything that's happening but I know I don't have to in order to have peace of mind because I trust You to help me, protect me and provide for me, regardless of who does what. I thank You Lord that Your love is wrapped all round me and I'm going to be more than all right. I rest in that. In Jesus' Name Amen.

Thursday, 14 July 2022


Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

I made two fruit loaves, put them in the oven, turned on the timer for an hour then promptly forgot them as I went to do some gardening! Fortunately, Chris heard the bell timer and I rushed back in to find their tops were a bit overcooked, so rather than get all chewed up about it, I had the inspired idea of smothering their tops in marmalade then no one would notice!😊

I had a friend once who stained her favourite T-shirt so she asked me to sew some beads over the mark to disguise it as I'd told her I'd already had to do it to mine. We all have little things like that happen to us throughout our week which if they're 'one offs' we cope with just fine, but if they're at the end of a series of frustrating things they can end up being the last straw and we allow them to make us all upset and bent out of shape. 

So this is a little nudge to help you to not allow them to get you in a tizwas and look for a way to overcome them by doing something to sweeten the moment up. I do know not everything can be solved by covering it in marmalade!, but I bet, with a bit of ingenuity from the Lord, you could think of a way around the situation, (like the T-shirt) without allowing it to steal your joy, and let Him help you turn it around. 

You've heard the saying when life throws you lemons, make lemonade!  

So next time another of those really frustrating things happens, just stop and ask yourself if it's a 'cover it in marmalade' moment!😊

If nothing else, I hope I've lightened the moment and made you smile, and if not then go and make yourself a nice cup of tea and toast and cover it in marmalade instead, or strawberry jam, if you don't like marmalade! It might just work! 😊😊

Wednesday, 13 July 2022


Ezra 3:12 But many of the older priests, Levites, and other leaders who had seen the first Temple wept aloud when they saw the new Temple's foundation. The others, however, were shouting for joy.

The old Temple had been glorious but was torn down and burned by Israel's enemies many years before, but now 70 years later, under God's instruction, they were rebuilding it.

Different people had a different perspective on what God was doing that day. Some wept for what they had lost, they were focused on their past, while some shouted for joy for the new thing God was doing for them. 

What they had before was wonderful, Solomon's Temple had been amazing but it was gone and they couldn't bring it back but they could build a new one with God's help! 

I hope that encourages someone today because whatever we have lost, if we're wise we wont keep focusing on the loss, but ask God to show us what He wants to do now, to show us the 'new thing' He has prepared and planned for us. He doesn't want us to get stuck in what was, but to learn to shout for joy for the new that's coming, secure in the knowledge that it will be a blessing, whatever it is.

Isaiah 43:18 Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. v.19 Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?

Lord help us to anticipate good things because with You all things are possible and You work everything out for our good. We believe it, receive it and thank You for it in Jesus' name.  Amen.

Tuesday, 12 July 2022


Habakkuk 3:17-18 Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines; even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful in the God of my salvation!

Let's put that in today's context -You know the moment when things suddenly start to go haywire, the loo gets blocked, the roof tiles need mending, you need new specs, the car insurance is due, and a hundred and one other things suddenly need an answer right away. It seems to all come at once! But hold on a minute, take a deep breath and let's get things in perspective here!

What is happening is just the normal affairs of life and God has promised to be there for us in all of it and to provide all our needs as and when they arise. He never tells us to worry about any of it but to go to Him for His wisdom and to have a thankful attitude as we trust Him to help us. All will be well!

The Holy Spirit is our Helper. That means we don't have to deal with any of it on our own! If we're struggling to praise God, we can praise Him for that! 😊

It helps too to recognise that the enemy is trying to put pressure on us in any way he can but the good news is, he can't, unless we allow him too.

So even though things may be all up in the air and it may feel like it's going to land on your head, just remember the Holy Spirit is inside you, only a prayer away, and He will equip you to deal with whatever comes. 

As we said on Sunday 'Take heart', the Lord is our Strength and Shield, our Helper and our Provider - every single day.😊

Monday, 11 July 2022


Psalm 73:28 But as for me, how good it is to be near God! I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do.

A friend was sharing with me how much the Lord had helped her throughout her day, going to hospital, being at the right place at exactly the right time, having God's favour as she sorted out things that had troubled her for weeks. She was so thankful as she praised God for His help and His presence.

As I read our verse today I thought how uplifting it is when we hear testimonies from one another of how wonderful God has been to us, even in the every day things in life. We're encouraged because we know that as God has done it for others He will do it for us too.

Is there something you can share with someone today about how good the Lord has been to you recently?  How things fell into place when you weren't expecting it, or something nice happened that you hadn't been looking for, or God used you to be a blessing to someone? 

The other day we took coffee and met up with our daughter at the local reservoir for a walk but as a surprise treat I'd taken home made scones and homemade plum jam to enjoy as well, as we sat looking at the lovely stretch of water in the sunshine. Sometimes it's the little things that make life extra special, yummy moments, helping us make happy memories, and I praise God for those things. 

As we begin a new week be on the look out for the little things that make you smile, or make your day a bit lighter, and lift someone else's spirit by telling them how good God has been to you too.

Enjoy your week, enjoy the little things.😊

Sunday, 10 July 2022


Psalm 34:1-3

 I will praise the Lord at all times.

I will constantly speak his praises. 

I will boast only in the Lord; 

let all who are helpless take heart. 

Come, let us tell of the Lord's greatness;

let us exalt his name together.

Sometimes we get all caught up in our own lives and our own affairs and we forget to praise the Lord at all times. But the psalmist encourages us to speak His praises all the time. Why is that?

Well for one thing it takes our minds off ourselves and our problems and helps us focus on the only One who has all the answers and who can help us. 

Praising God and boasting in Him reminds us that we still have an all powerful God who is worthy of all our praise. Because of Him we have the breath we breathe, the strength to work and His peace that passes understanding to calm our hectic souls. Because of Him we have a hope for a wonderful eternity with Him, a life filled with His love and forgiveness, and His joy to strengthen us through every trial.

It reminds us we can take heart even when we're feeling helpless just because of how great God is and He's taking care of us.

God is worthy of our praise everyday. So let's take heart and exalt his name together today.😊

Saturday, 9 July 2022


Philippians 1:6 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

Although I started this blog ten years ago in 2012, I only did 5 blogs then stopped in 2013! Then in July 2020 I felt the Lord say to start again as so many of us were in need of encouragement at a difficult time when the churches were in lock down. 

🎉 This week is special and I thought you might like to celebrate with me as it's the two year Anniversary since doing My God Thoughts Blog regularly and today is Blog No. 600, which I find amazing! 🎉

I just wanted to say thank you to every single person who has been kind enough to read it and kept me going with your encouragements and to give huge thanks and praise to the Lord for His inspiration and grace to do it and to give Him all the glory for it.

Also big welcome to the one or two who are reading from abroad. I'm so encouraged each morning when you sometimes come in from America, Ireland, Sweden, etc. Please keep visiting as it's wonderful to have you join in with us.😊

We are all here to encourage one another and I know God has a good plan for us all which He'll show us as we keep looking to Him. So if God is nudging you to do something, just run with it and let Him surprise you, as He has me, and I hope you'll keep joining me as I carry on writing.

If any of the blog posts have been a blessing to you, please feel free to pass on the link below to others or leave a comment on the Blog which would be great, I'd really appreciate it.😊

Have a lovely weekend. Love to you all.  Jackie B.

Friday, 8 July 2022


2 Chronicles 32:7 Be strong and courageous! Don't be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria or his mighty army, for there is a power far greater on our side! v.8 He may have a great army, but they are merely men. We have the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles for us! Hezekiah's words greatly encouraged the people.

Do you need some encouragement today? Then allow the Lord to speak those words over you too because whatever it is you have to deal with you have a power far greater on your side!

The King of Assyria was using bullying tactics to intimidate King Hezekiah and often the enemy tries the same thing with us. We may feel intimidated and think we're in our situation on our own and that we have to battle on as best we can, but God is reminding us today that we have the Lord our God to help us. He wants us to remember that whatever battle we are in right now He's not just fighting that battle for us - He has already won it for us!

Let's not forget He has made us Victors not victims, Over-comers through Jesus.

Jesus gave us His victory over every situation, and His Name to defeat the works of the enemy, and yes we have skirmishes daily, but ultimately Jesus has the last word and total victory.

We have the Holy Spirit, the power who is far greater on the inside of us, to help us. So don't be afraid or discouraged, be strong and courageous in the victory Jesus has won for us. He has a firm hold of you, so grab a hold of Him knowing He is helping you and you are on the winning side.😊

Thursday, 7 July 2022


Psalm 31:15 My times are in Your hands....

I read this the other day, "Say Yes to God's timing."  That struck me because it's the waiting for God to do something that is one of the hardest things because our faith is being tested. Will we wait for God no matter what it looks like, or how long it takes? 

If you're anything like me you probably want God to do things right away and you might even want to tell Him how you think He should do it as well! 😊

Our flesh doesn't want to wait, but Abraham was a classic example of running ahead of God and trying to 'help God out' by making things happen! The end result was a baby who wasn't the right one, a grumpy wife, and a very dysfunctional family. It reads a bit like today's media but the good news is God still had His way in the end and in His own timing. God is not fazed by our mistakes.

Is there something you're waiting for, or dreaming of, something that you wish God would hurry up with? If so, can I encourage us all, to not only say 'Yes' to God but 'Yes' to His timing as well, because His timing is never late, it's perfect. He's not absent minded, He's not forgotten us and He's working on our behalf in the background all the time even though we very often can't see it.

God wants us to trust Him and if He wants you to go somewhere, or to give you something, or lead you to someone, rest assured He will do it. Let's just relax and trust His timing will be perfect so we can stop fretting and fussing. Let's just be grateful for where we're at, and thankful for what we do have at the moment.😊

Isaiah 60:22....At the right time, I, the Lord, will make it happen. Thank You Lord.

Wednesday, 6 July 2022


1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

If you've had one of those days where you've felt like you were going under for some reason, let me encourage you, you're not going under, because God says He's made sure you're going over!

That means no matter how you feel or what has happened so far, God has decreed that because of Jesus, we win in the end, one way or the other. He has declared over us that we are Over-comers, that we are more than Conquerors and that He always leads us in triumph. 

So don't give up, but look up to the One who has it all sorted out already and know He's not only on your side but He's turning everything round for your good in due time.😊

What we speak over our own lives is very important so will you join with me and come into agreement with Him today and declare out loud the same things over your life that He does....

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I am an Over-comer. The battle is the Lord's so I don't need to worry. God has made me righteous and the way of the righteous gets brighter and brighter. No weapon formed against me shall prosper but everything I set my hand to do prospers. The Lord is going before me making my crooked paths straight. The favour of God surrounds me so I'll be at the right place at the right time and I am more than a conqueror through Jesus"

Thank You Lord I believe and agree with You and Your word. Amen. 

(If you'd like to check out what God says, all references are from NKJV - 1 Corinthians 15:57, 1 John 5:4, Romans 8:37, Philippians 4:13, 2 Corinthians. 2:14, Romans 8:28, 2 Chronicles 20:15, Isaiah 54:17, Deuteronomy 28:12, Psalm 5:12, Isaiah 45:2, Proverbs 4:18.)

Tuesday, 5 July 2022


Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good, like medicine... (Nkjv)

Do you ever do things and get really intense about it? That happened to me recently when I was crafting with my granddaughter. We were making a clock together and I wanted to do the thing so right for her that I found myself tensely holding my breath while I did it so I didn't mess it up! How silly am I, but crafting can do that to you!😊

Anyway a couple of days ago someone said we should learn not to take ourselves so seriously - to lighten up, and I realised I need to listen to that advice, how about you?

We should certainly take God seriously but maybe we can learn to not take ourselves so seriously. For some of us that's easier said than done but it would probably defuse a lot of situations if we did, like when I see my dentist today! Being tensed up wont help at all but thinking of something funny will.

Apparently the healthiest people in the world are the ones who laugh at themselves the most. Did you know laughter pleases God and our verse encourages us to have a merry heart, or to put it another way - see the funny side of things and have a laugh especially at our own expense. 

So whatever you're doing today if you feel yourself getting all tensed up, take a deep breath and try to see the funny side of it.  If you spill coffee all down yourself, instead of going into melt down, just imagine you're on TV doing a funny sketch and just laugh. Get the idea?

I know there's a lot of serious stuff going on, but I just wanted to remind us that God gave us a sense of humour to help us through it all, and He wants us to remember to laugh more. The wonderful thing is, laughing releases all sorts of healthy endorphins into our bodies too, so hey, let's try and see the funny side of life when we can! 😊

Monday, 4 July 2022


Colossians 3:23 Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. v.24 Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ.

For anyone who has a boss who is difficult or unreasonable or just plain horrible or on days when you have to do something you don't like doing, I thought it would be helpful to remember these verses because they're for all of us.

Paul wrote them at a time when slaves were common and not always well treated so he needed to remind them that if they worked as though they were doing it for Jesus Himself, then it would help their attitude and they could do it with a glad heart instead of a resentful one.

The Lord knows we all like to be rewarded and that's normal, so He wants you to know that even if people don't appreciate you and no one else recognises your efforts or gives you credit for a job well done, God knows, and He has laid up an inheritance for you as a reward. God is the One who really matters and He has noticed! 😊 

As we start this new week maybe you have to fill in forms or send in another report, maybe clean your house or make another meal for the family, but whatever it is we have to do, let's do it for the Master, the Lord Jesus Himself, the One who bled and died for us because He loves us, and it will help us do things out of a heart of gratitude to Him, knowing He has laid up something wonderful for us as a reward.

Have a blessed week.😊

Sunday, 3 July 2022


Psalm 127:2 (Nlt)

It is useless for you to work so hard 

from early morning until late at night, 

anxiously working for food to eat: 

for God gives rest to his loved ones.

It's easy to fall into the trap that says "If I don't do it, then nobody else will" and we're tempted to keep driving ourselves to do more and more.  Ever been there? The thing is, maybe some people need to learn that if we're not there then they will have to take responsibility, but while we keep doing it they never need to come up to the mark. 

It's always a good idea to ask God first if we should be taking on anything new or allowing someone else the opportunity to do some things we do at present.

We all like to be conscientious but if we carry it too far and never rest properly we can make ourselves not well, which is why our verse reminds us that God gives rest to his loved ones.

So this is just a gentle reminder that you are one of God's loved ones and today He wants you to give yourself permission to allow Him to give you His rest for a while. He's giving but are you receiving?

To start you off sit down, shut your eyes, take a few deep breaths and let the tension flow out and His peace flow in, and hear Him whisper in your ear that He loves you........receive His rest today.😊

Saturday, 2 July 2022


Psalm 143:4 Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.

By the time we've gone through a whole week at work, or at home, or wherever, we can  get a bit worn down and tired so I just thought we'd remind ourselves again today of God's unfailing love, because everything we need in life flows out from God's love for us. 

Even if it's been a tough week for some, you can always come back to this firm foundation and start each day with it "God's love for me will never fail and I can trust Him."

Isaiah 35:3 With this news, strengthen those who have tired hands, and encourage those who have weak knees. v.4 Say to those with fearful hearts, "Be strong, and do not fear, for our God is coming to destroy your enemies. He is coming to save you."

The Holy Spirit was speaking through Isaiah because He knows we can get tired and wobbly kneed! He also knows we sometimes get fearful but the lovely thing is He doesn't tell us off, instead He lovingly encourages us to keep going and draw on His strength, because God is right there with us to save us. He is committed to us one hundred percent.

So enjoy your weekend and allow God's unfailing love to soak into you, to strengthen your weary hands, your wobbly knees and your sometimes fearful heart.😊

Friday, 1 July 2022


Matthew 6:8 .... For our Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.

Have you ever thought "If God knows what we need why doesn't He just give it to us?" I know I have in the past, but I believe it's because He wants us to grow in our faith and in our trusting in Him. 

At some time we've probably all begged and pleaded with God to do something, while other people seem to demand from God as though He owes them. Then there are the people who know their heavenly Father is very kind and generous and loves them so they simply ask Him in faith for what it is they need and thank Him for it.

He wants us to know we don't need to try to twist His arm, or be 'good enough' or grovel enough. He actually wants to be good to us but He wants us to come in faith, not begging and pleading but believing in His love and kindness and make our requests with a thankful, praising heart.

Luke 11:24 Therefore I say to you, "whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them."

It's a relief to know we receive because of His grace and not because we do or don't deserve it. God wants us to really believe we've received when we first ask so we don't need to keep on asking for the same thing over and over.  

Let's do it God's way.  Let's ask, receive it by faith, and then thank Him for it before we see it, knowing and believing He's heard us and it's already on the way.😊