Tuesday, 29 March 2022


Romans 12:8 If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously..... And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.

All of the gifts God gives us are wonderful and one of my favourites is the gift of kindness. Kindness comes out of a caring, loving heart. It overlooks offences and continues to be kind regardless of what has been said or has happened to upset. It sees a need and wants to help and uplift.

Kindness is like love and goes the extra mile and makes the other person feel so special that their whole day just got better because you were kind to them, because you said a kind word maybe when they were down.

Jesus embodied all the spiritual gifts all the time and He was infinitely kind to those who were struggling, whether with  relationships, or finances, or sickness and disease. He met the lady at the well, who everyone else had written off because she'd had five husbands, just to tell her she mattered to Him, that she was special to Him and He had a new future mapped out for her.

Is there anyone today you can think of that you can be kind to, that you can show the love of God to? Maybe it's someone who in the natural you wouldn't bother with, or you'd overlook. God's challenge to each one of us is to show His loving kindness to them, to let them know somebody loves them and somebody cares and just be Jesus to them for His sake. 

Why not make their day with kindness.😊 

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