Wednesday, 16 March 2022


Mark 4:40 But He said to them, "Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?"

The disciples were in the middle of a great storm, tossed about by the waves with water pouring in so badly that the boat was already filling up. Things were not looking good and with the storm came the fear. They were frantically trying to row for land, trying to bail themselves out, but to no avail. It looked like they were going to go down with the boat. It was scary for them all.

It's almost as though they'd forgotten Jesus was on board but eventually they had the wisdom to go to Jesus and ask for help, which He did by taking authority over the wind and waves. After it all went calm again, He has a chat with the men.

They're feeling somewhat battered and probably collapse in a heap, leaning on their oars. But Jesus asks them why they'd all panicked. They knew He'd said they were going to the other side with Him so why did they think the storm made any difference? The lovely thing is He didn't focus on their failure instead it was "Where is your faith?" 

He's challenging all of us today to remember He knows the end from the beginning and He's watching over us.  He wants us to trust Him so we can use our faith to rise above what may be happening and to know He will get us to the other side of our storms even when we didn't see them coming.  

Thank You Lord, You're a good God and Your grace will enable us to overcome all our storms. Amen.

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