Friday, 11 March 2022


Psalm 25:15 My eyes are always on the Lord, for he rescues me from the traps of my enemies.

David seemed to have a lot of enemies but he'd learned a thing or two about fighting and winning battles! The first thing he made sure of was keeping his eyes firmly fixed on the Lord because he knew God was the only one who could rescue him and deliver him from the many traps he would have fallen into otherwise.

We can all learn from David because there are a lot of distractions out there that try to get our eyes off our God, but if we learn to recognise them for what they are, we can stand firm against them.

So can I encourage us all today to keep our eyes fixed on the Lord Jesus and the victory He has already won for us at the cross because He has given His victory to us to enforce on our enemies, whatever form they take in our lives. He tells us time and again He is our Shield, our Helper, our Strength, our everything basically, but if we take our eyes off Him then we'll be tempted to forget that. 

Here's a  question to ask ourselves. How long do we spend looking at our problems compared to how long we look at His promises? If you're anything like me, and our answer is sometimes out of balance, we can soon put it right.😊 The more we look at, and believe His word, the more we'll overcome and be at peace.

Let's keep our eyes on the Lord - all the time.

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