God has faithfully promised us that He'll never leave us or forsake us so there's absolutely no fear of God wandering off and leaving us to fend for ourselves. (Hebrews 13:5)
It's actually us who do the wandering off! We get distracted by other things like work, or responsibilities, or we've been wandering off to pursue our hobbies or friends. None of those things is wrong but if they take God's central place then we'll grow cold and 'wander off' without even realising it. I suspect we can all put our hand up for having done that more than once!
So what's the answer? We can do like Jeremiah, come to God and say "Turn me again to You and restore me."
Just in case you've been feeling cold towards God, or thinking He's wandered off and left you, please know He's not a long way off at all. He's as close as your breath and as soon as we take one step towards Him, He's already there to restore us in His love and compassion.
Let's lay aside the things that hinder us and get them back in balance, and if we don't even know what they are, or how to, let's ask Him to show us and teach us. Remember Jesus said "Come to me all you who are heavy laden and I'll give you rest. ... Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart and you'll find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:28-29)
Come back to Him again and let your spirit rest in Him knowing this.....
His light surrounds you
His love enfolds you
His power enables you
And wherever you are, God is.
Suggestion: How about writing those four lines on a bit of card and sticking them to your mirror like I've done, or keep them in your pocket so you can look at them any time you need them. They help me a lot every morning when I read them and personalise them. 😊
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