Proverbs 12:25 Worry weighs a person down, an encouraging word cheers a person up.
We should never underestimate the power of an encouraging word at just the right time. It can transform someone's whole day, maybe even their life.
We've all experienced those days when we get very down for some reason and we're really struggling, but then some dear soul comes alongside of us to give us a word of encouragement, or an arm round our shoulder to tell us it will be all right, that God will turn it round if we'll just hang in there. Those people are precious souls and we can be that person for someone else too if we're sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading. We can be a 'cheerer-upper'! 😊
For some it's enough to know someone else is praying for them in faith, for some they need to hear that friend or family member's voice down the phone showing them how much they care about us as someone did for me this week for which I was so grateful. A text is helpful but a voice on the phone can bring so much comfort. It can lead to even having a laugh with them about something and getting things back into perspective.
They may just need to hear that you love them, that you think they're doing so well, that God has good stuff planned for them, that they're a blessing to you, that the best is still to come.
So whatever else you find to do this weekend may I encourage us all to be a 'cheerer-upper' for someone else and bring a much needed word of encouragement into their world.😊
Let me start you off by reminding you God thinks you're wonderful, that you're the apple of His eye, and He loves you to bits and I love you too for bothering to read my blog. I appreciate you. Have an encouraging, blessed weekend.😊
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