Tuesday, 15 March 2022


2 Corinthians 12:9 ...My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.

I've been reading the book The Hiding Place, the true story of Corrie Ten Boom, who was imprisoned with her elderly sister in different concentration camps in WW2.  She tells of the great cruelty they saw and personally experienced and yet how God was in it with them and helped them rise above the suffering.

Very few of us will have experienced what those ladies endured and yet Corrie survived to go around the world to preach love and forgiveness to those who've treated us badly. Some years later God even gave her the grace, and His supernatural love, to be able to shake the hand of her former prison camp officer who had been so cruel, and to forgive him. 

Why am I relating all that? Well I suspect we have all at some time or another bemoaned what may or may not be happening, or what we're suffering, etc. but I just wanted to encourage anyone who is suffering, to remember that just as God  was with them, so He is with us in every experience to strengthen us and may even use it in our future to get along side and help other people in some way. 

They showed that the only way to rise above, and survive some things, is to cling to His promises and allow Jesus to lift us up as we learn to draw on His great grace and strength moment by moment.

God will never waste anything we experience and no matter how weak we get, He has promised His strength, His grace, will be more than enough and will pull us through.

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