Saturday, 30 January 2021


 1Corinthians 12:4 There are various kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit.

Yesterday we looked at receiving the Holy Spirit by faith and how important He is to us. One reason is because He equips us with His spiritual gifts which we receive from Him by faith. 

v.7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all.

So the great news today is that these supernatural gifts are given to each one of us by the Holy Spirit as He directs, to benefit everybody. He gives different gifts to each of us but I believe as the need arises He will give us whichever gift is most needed at any given time.  They are not for the so called  'super Christians', they are for all of us.  That should bless us to know that. God has given to each of us a gifting to help build up the church.

As a reminder, here is the list of the nine gifts in this chapter. It's good to read in the Amplified Bible if you get the chance.

  • The word of wisdom. 
  • The word of knowledge. 
  • Faith by the same Spirit (that's special miracle working faith separate to the faith we already have). 
  • Gift of healings
  • Working of miracles.
  • Prophecy.
  • Discerning of Spirits.
  • Different kinds of tongues.
  • Interpretation of tongues.
v.11 but one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.

Why has God made all these supernatural gifts available to us as believers?  Because He knows we will need them throughout our day to day lives, and He doesn't want us helpless but power full.  In another chapter Paul tells us to seek after the gifts, to pursue them. That's a strong statement so it must be important for us to do it.  

There is a temptation to think 'oh those sorts of things are not for me. They're only for the leaders, or for 'special' people.'  Can I encourage you to know you are one of those special people! God wants all of His children to be moving in the gifts His Holy Spirit gives. They are for all of us, not a few!  We all have at least one of these gifts! How sad it is when someone presents you with a gift and you turn your back and say 'no thanks. I don't want it!' How hurtful that would be.

May we have a heart today that reaches out in faith to God and says 'Thank you Lord for the giftings you have given to me. Help me to know how to recognise them,  pursue them and use them for your glory.' Amen.

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